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Author Topic: Quirky drilling preferences . .  (Read 1300 times)


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Quirky drilling preferences . .
« on: February 27, 2004, 09:18:48 AM »
I don't know if a lot of you know your drill specs or not, but for those of you that do, is there anything odd about your fit?  My thumbhole is normal, 1/4th reverse, 51/64ths bit, 45 degree oval angle at .070 width.  My fingers are weird though.  My hand swells, and I can handle it in the thumb, I just add tape, but my fingers have to fit well into the grips, it's just a must.  Normally for the common grip sizes, the drill bit used is 31/32nds.  I've tried a ton of different things for my middle finger.  63/64ths bit (a size up from 31/32nds, for those that aren't familiar with the bit sizes) and a smaller grip (11/16ths power oval), or a 61/64ths bit with a larger grip (23/32nds power oval).  Both fingers are at 1/8th reverse (I know, why not have no reverse and use perfect ovals . . ) but my ring finger is the funky one.  I use a 15/16ths bit (two sizes down from 31/32nds) and oval it 0 degrees at a width of .042 (21/32nds power oval).  My fingernail kinda cuts into the sides of my finger if I don't do that, I put a lot of pressure on my fingers.  Ovaling a fingerhole with no grips isn't uncommon, but ovaling a fingerhole with grips seems a little odd.  Anybody else ever done that?  Don't wanna think I'm the only weird one . . .
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!

"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too.  They won't know which way they going.  Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb.  I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."


Kid Jete

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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2004, 12:25:20 AM »
If the holes in the finger grips are already oval why does the hole that is drilled need to be ovaled out too?


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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2004, 12:26:01 AM »
Yep, I do that for my buddy.  He smashed up this middle finger and has problems finding the proper fit.  I drill it 31/32nds and then use a bevel knife or oval is alittle with the bit to give him the correct feel.  He uses lifts in the middle finger so by doing this it feels good for him.  He really likes it.  

Trust me dude you aren't alone,
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Edited on 2/28/2004 1:22 AM


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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2004, 12:54:31 PM »
More oval!!!  I have a disease, and the cure is more oval!!!
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!

"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too.  They won't know which way they going.  Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb.  I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."


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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2004, 02:28:45 PM »
Hammy I have a similar problem on my ring finger. If I dont oval the right side of the hole out it puts pressure on my finger and after a while it will cause my skin to split open right past the first joint. That is what ovals are all about, fitting the contours of a persons hand/fingers and gives them the custom fit they deserve.
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Mike Austin

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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2004, 11:44:13 PM »

Have you tried Vacu Grips?  I have pretty well perfected using these without the sleeves from Vice Grips.  You can use Vice or Turbo Quads with my system and it works great!!!

Drill your middle finger, 31/32, go down about 2".  Without moving the ball, take the 31/32 bit out and put in the 1 1/32 bit and go down over the 31/32 hole about 1".  Use grips that are 2 sizes smaller than what you normally use.  Glue them at the bottom of the grip and shove that end into the 31/32 hole until flush.  One drop of glue on the front side of grip.

These grips will expand because the top part of the hole is too big.  Have been using this idea since Thanksgiving.  Love it.  Fingers alway snug, always!

Want to try and use lady size grips and figure out how to do this for people with really small fangers!!!

Let me say also, that this was not totally my idea, worked on this with Bamaster, and is nothing new or anything that I dreamed up alone.  I'm sure there are probably others doing this, or at least there should be!!!!

Hope this helps ya....

Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
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Edited on 2/29/2004 0:40 AM
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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2004, 11:49:41 PM »
Great idea.  I sent him a message with a link to that drilling on Tony's site.
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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2004, 11:55:51 PM »
I might have to try that.

"Act like you've been there before"


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Re: Quirky drilling preferences . .
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2004, 11:16:43 AM »
Yeah, Darold sent me the link, thanks a ton!  I'll try that, I need to plug the fingers on a couple balls to change the pitch anyway.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!

"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too.  They won't know which way they going.  Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb.  I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."