Our city tournament allows re-entry, and this weekend I will be bowling my second set of singles/doubles. I bowl at this house normally, but they have put down a different shot for the tournament. Basically it is your typical league shot (40 ft, some oil outside, but a flood in the middle), but the heads are truly flooded (they are synthetics if that matters). With 4 bowlers on a pair, and one of them being lefty, I had to start moving right somewhere around the 6th or 7th frame of the first game. By the end of the first game I had to move about 3 or 4 boards at the target, just to get back to pocket. It truly seemed ridiculous. Ordinarilly I would have thought it was just me, but everyone around me was seeing the same thing. Things just kept getting sloppier, and the break point more inconsistent.
Given a situation where you know you will see a lot of carry-down, how would you attack the lanes. Would you try to use something solid or dull, to try to soak up oil rather than move it around? I mean if they put something like 120 units down in the heads, won't a solid ball still cause carry down?
I've even considered drilling up a particle pearl for the later part of the shift to try to get the ball through the front, while still maintaining some back end reaction. Second squad was even worse, dry heads, and sloppy backends. But in general I am more concerned with how I should attack the fresh. 5 and 1/2 games of hunting for a line was kind of frustrating. You find something, then 3 or 4 games later, it's gone. I found it very hard to score on, and apparently a lot of others did as well.
Any body have any thoughts?
"I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be. "