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Author Topic: RANT  (Read 1470 times)


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« on: September 04, 2014, 02:22:47 PM »
Just kidding lol.  Anybody else's season start off rough?  4 sets in, high of 607 . . first week I forgot how to bowl, second week I discovered my mechanical tweaks have changed my ball reaction more than I thought.  Plus both houses made the switch to Defy and haven't dialed things in yet.  The guys that run both houses know what they're doing, so they'll keep at it hard until they figure it out, but this stuff is pretty problematic so far.  First, it plays dry.  Second, it doesn't hold up near as well as Ice, and carries down worse.  The dry part of the lane plays drier, and by contrast, the wet plays wetter.  It's like the oil follows the track, so when you go to move, you really can't.  So far, small moves don't work.  When you move, you've got to get completely away from where you were playing. 

Having to relearn some things.  I didn't used to get the ball off my hand super clean so I'd have to play bigger angles because I've never had trouble getting the ball to roll heavy.  I've got it to where I've relaxed my arm a lot and so I'm getting out of it a lot cleaner.  Rev rate and speed have gone up, but having trouble getting the ball to roll now.  My touch is still pretty good, so it's not like I'm flat flagging stuff, I've just got to tighten my angles up and learn what it all feels like.  Exciting though, will be better once I figure it out.  My "arsenal" was made up of a lot of lower hooking stuff, so I'm having to drill a few new balls, no complaints there lol.  Hyroad Solid is both better and worse than I thought it'd be, it doesn't hook near as much as they say it does, but man, if you're in a tournament, have to get deep and have some consistent burn through the middle or are on a flatter medium pattern, it's so continuous and retains energy so well with a little polish on it that you'll have a look nobody else has for a long time in an area nobody else will be able to play.  My Sinister should be waiting at the shop for me, so I'll drill that here in a bit.  Business in the shop is going good too, so busy I haven't had time to enter new drill sheets or clean much in the last month, but I generally accept that as a good thing.  Hope everybody else's start to the bowling season has been good!
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 02:35:17 PM »
I have.  I've went 627 and 621 thru 2 weeks.  I'm missing the 2nd game transition as it's been a while since I've bowled league in this house......but scores are down a bit overall so it's not just me. 

I have a good look first game with my Track Tour X at 4000, gradually chasing it in....but it appears somewhere towards the beginning of the 2nd game, I need to skip a slot in the progression and REALLY ball down to a Tropical Breeze, move 3 right with firm speed and continue in the burn.  It's a little more challenging THS.

I enjoy the challenge though and I'll figure the "riddle" out at some point.  Was nice to bail out a 600 at least so that when I get going my low weeks are salvaged.  Just my 2 cents......


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« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2014, 03:40:01 PM »
Rough is an understatement for me. I had a decent summer, and first night of fall league horrible.

First it was 400 degrees, with 500% humidity. Lanes were resurfaced less than a week prior. Using a new piece, plus I forgot how to bowl.

I am off next week, so I will get some practice in this weekend and late next week before trying again.

I know I will be called every &*%$! sandbagger but everybody has a rough set every once and a while.


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« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 10:02:32 PM »
I also came out the first week and stunk up the joint. After a summer where I threw the ball somewhere between good and great most of the time, I walk in last night and shoot blanks. It was a rainy night and the synthetic approaches were worse than sticky. No slide, guys falling many times early in the night. The lanes played differently than we normally see them. The ball was checking up very early and most of the league struggled. It didn't help that I seem to walk into the place a clean slate mentally and didn't adjust correctly all nite. Bowled 3 games with a teammate when we got done, and tried some things I should have during league and tore it up. Wanted very badly to get off to a good start and instead went home feeling like an idiot!