I went to a tourney last weekend and my experience was worth the money I lost in brackets and side pots - not really, but worth it nonetheless. anyway, it started like this.....
I had 3 hours before the lights came on, but I was already mentally off my game.
1. one the way there, we got stuck in traffic and arrived 30 mins before start time.
2. rushed to get equipment ready (thumb hole)
3. serious family issues followed me to Reno
4. work
All of these caused a block in my mental game. It screwed my timing and everything else. I was grumpy, tense, felt rushed, and my mind was somewhere else besides bowling even if I tried. All three squads I felt horrible and I felt bad for my teammates. I shot 122 with a high of 226, I couldn't get anything off.
I would watch my ball go down lane, then I knew I had move or make an adjustment, but I wouldn't do it. I knew I was not playing the right area of the lanes, but I wouldn't move. I knew I had a better ball in the bag to match up to what I am seeing, but I woudn't change ball. I was missing left and right and timing was off. It was really ugly - my performance.
After a great meal and some rest, I was ready for the next day. I arrived early, sat up at the stands, listen to some jazz, and relaxed. I didn't think about home or work. I just enjoyed myself lol... HUGE difference when the mind is calm. I went and shot way better games and series. The guys were happy to see the old Me back. I was much more accurate compared to the day before. I had the right ball in my hands and everything was back to normal. The only thing in my head before reaching for my ball from the ball rack was...."stay behind the ball and you'll get it there".....everything was working fine...
Next year, I'll arrive a day before, leave personal/work crap behind, prepare my equipment, and find time to relax before each squad.