No bashing intended - just trying to help. Open shoulder, ball comes through too far from the ankle which means loss of leverage and thus rotation, a muscled/triggered release, and you chicked-winged the jeebus out of that first shot.
The ball distance from the ankle and the open shoulder may both be a product of your pushaway, which seems to be to the outside of your intended target. That means your swing plane on the backswing and downswing is behind you causing the ball to need to go around you to get to the target. Your mind won't let you hit yourself in the back of the leg! Going "around" the body also pulls you off balance and causes that chicken wing. With the ball that far from your body, you're compensating for the lack of leverage at the release point with a muscled trigger at the release - combined with the distance from you body, pulls you off balance at the line.
I feel your pain - I've struggled to overcome some of the same obstacles.
Got coach?
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King : Kill the back row