i'm not sure if i've seen this before on this website, even with all of the discussion of the different companies . . .
rate 'em up!! list them out as long as you want to go, in order. if you haven't thrown a company's equipment, list them after your rating if you want to . . .
if responses are decent, i'll tabulate the rankings in a couple of weeks and post the overall results. have fun!!!
1. HAMMER- best all around equipment on the market
2. COLUMBIA- outstanding overall cover/core combinations, durability
3. LANE #1- extraordinary power and reaction (but i'm pissed @ them right now!)
4. TRACK- some pretty good equipment lately, although some disappointments
5. STORM- only two good balls out of five i've owned
6. AMF- haven't owned many, but they've been dependable
7. BRUNSWICK- some good balls and some bad ones, good coverstocks
8. EBONITE- six balls owned, five sucked cuz they didn't last
companies i haven't thrown, but would like to, in order:
1. visionary
2. morich
3. dyno-thane
4. roto-grip
not really interested in azo, lanemasters, neo-tac, revolution
now show me yours!!
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .