Apalling. Ignorance is bliss.
According to the PBA, a THS inflates scores 20 to 50 pins per game (and I definitely agree). So if you bowl on a THS, you could expect to average 20 pins lower per game on a somewhat challenging condition and average closer to 50 pins lower on a tough condition.
What in hades is a "fair" sport pattern anyway? How would a sport condition be "unfair"?
I'll agree (to some extent) with the previous poster who said it isn't the equipment that has inflated scores so much but the lane conditions - today's equipment leads to better carry but it is the lane conditions that lead to better pocket percentage and super fudge-room on spares.
On tough conditions today I average in the low 190's. Back in the plastic and rubber era, I averaged in the low 190's. On a THS, the sky is the limit - it is only a question of carry.
Kill the back row