Hi everyone:
I'm considering trying out 2 handed over the course of the summer. Fall leagues are ending soon, and I am only bowling in one summer league with some family members (aka: no prize/fun league). Theres a lot of reasons I have convinced myself to try this, but deep down, the real reason is the belief that I have peaked. I practice a ton, work with a very good coach, upgraded to newer equipment, reworked my grip, yadda yadda yadda. I still average 200-205 in every league for the last 5 years. So I am considering trying something new, not just to see if it can take me to another level, but also to bring back some of the fun that has been fading since the realization that I'm not improving any further. I'm a young guy in my low 20s, no better time to try 2 handed than now.
I know the 2 hand experiment is becoming more popular lately, so my question is out to those that have tried the switch:
1. What were your experiences?
2. Any videos I should watch to explain the proper technique better?