When I was younger and dumber, I used to always look for whatever ball had the most hook rating. More was better to me. But after understanding what the real goal is in bowling and finding a ball - hitting the pocket across the most amount of user variability, I quickly found that balls that snap, flip, or seemingly go horizontal across the boards at the very last minute is NOT what I wanted. I still see this today in my current league and those that do have some of the worst averages. Yeah it looks cool when you strike, but enjoy the splits and brooklyns.
What I have had success with given how I bowl and how I want to generally throw from the left side of the 20th board out to between 5-10 and come back strong but predictable, I like balls that roll strong into the pocket. I leave very few 10 pins relative to other RH I see. Last night I left a lot of 4 pins.
So basically I've tried almost all the main bowling companies and found Storm meets my need the best. Back in the day the Columbia Messenger Ti was my favorite ball. Now it is a polished Storm Vertigo. Both balls FAR from industry 'hook monsters'.