In general, the ball reaction used is the one most appropriate to the oil pattern. Skid/flip ball reactions (normally on pearls, but not always) are usually used on oil patterns that are "wide open". That implies there are no out-of-bounds, either too dry or too oily, which will make the skid/flip ball skid too far or hook up too early. Arc reactions (normally on solids, but also used on pearls, depending more on the bowler's preference) are often used when some degree of control is required or when there is a lot of oil. Control is often required when there are wet/dry's (when inside the oil line is a lot wetter than it it is outside the oil line) or when carrydown has created a very spotty condition (dry and/or wet spots at unexpected places), like 2nd shift or on badly maintained lanes.
The SlayR is generally not a skid/flip ball, even though it is a pearl. However, since it is designed for lanes that are very dry, it is considered to be "allergic" to oil, in that, when it senses any oil at all, it will skid until it reads a lot of dry. So, unless you are a high tracker (this smoothes out the skid/flip reactiopn) or you are a low rev player (this does the same), I would not recommend drilling a SlayR to skid/flip. I'd suggest a moderate drilling, like 4x4 or 4x3 or 4x5, depending on your ball speed to revolution ratio. More speed than revs, then use a 4x3; more revs than speed, use a 4x5.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Good Luck.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
Edited on 2/29/2004 9:36 AM