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Author Topic: Reading????  (Read 596 times)


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« on: July 27, 2004, 11:12:12 AM »
I love reading motivational books to up my passion for success and help me make the best out of whatever I attempt.
My son loves reading bowling books, he has several good ones. I don't remember them all.
One had some tips that really made logical sense to me and I feel helped my game. One I liked best was that we teach our mind and bodies to do certain things like, walk, jumping jacks, ride a bike. Once we master something like that we can move onto another area to work on without thinking about what we taught ourselves to be automatic.

Same book said if you are practicing, you know you're off your game and can't figure it out, it's better to walk away than risk developing a bad habit. I've already bowled in pain, and later noticed aches in other areas, made me realize later I was doing stuff different because of that. Would've been better not to bowl.

Anyone remember any tip they read felt help imporve their game?
For me 90% of my game is mental. I had a chance at my first 300 last spring. I got too excited and choked. I talk to myself on the approach, little sayings that work for me.

Some favorites my family laugh at:
Throw it right they all go down!
(I amaze them how often when I state it I do strike!)
Throw a gutter after a double... "oh Boy, I left an easy spare!" normally make it but then when I add it up as a strike without that gutter I get bummed.
Or after a miss, " No big deal, one double will fix that" Almost always get that double.

I need some new better lines. I got to the point I expect 3 opens a game and it doesn't upset me, I have had near 200 or even 200 with 3 opens. BUT I need to raise that bar for myself. I also expect to strike in the 10th, that's kind of my signature. I can get the last 5 many times but it's rare for me to get past the first 3. Mental thingy.Once I know I messed up a 300 I relax. If I'm down and need 5 to go over ave. I often do it. Mind over matter.

Near the end of winter leagues I had the cleanest night of my life, only one open all night but I've had higher series with 5 or 6 opens in a night. Go figure.....