I'm going to get some ruffing for this but read carefully.
I'm a lefty bowler with a ton of bowling balls. I use right and lefty drilled balls as long as there r no weight holes near my track area using either ball doesn't matter. I also have bowled 300 games with both type balls. Having a ball that is drilled for the opposite hand gives me more overall movement down lane. Lefty balls r my overall hook control balls.
My specs 20mph, pap 6 1/2", 500+ revs (not measured just from what other pros have said)
you can email me at gr8_bwler@yahoo.com
My email address has no space the space is the underscore key...
1st 300 shot with ARCH RIVAL yes!!
2nd 300 with WILD THING!!
3rd 300 game shot with JIGSAW TRAP!!