I can remember back when I was a young kid bowling my first junior league and how exciting it was. I could remember the sheer amount of kids in the junior program was staggering. To paint a picture for you, the center is 40 lanes and the first year i bowled the center was filled lanes 1-40 with juniors. Thats 160 kids, but not only was it filled, it was double shifted. Two squads of 150+ kids at 9am and 11am. That's over 300 kids in the junior bowling program, Impressive to say the least.
Fast forward to today. I'm 20, and that was over ten years ago. The economy is in a rut, and junior bowling is down, way down. I think by last year's count our junior program was about 50 kids.
When i turned 16 i got my first job, working at the center as a porter. Doing very basic work, mainly cleaning, wiping approaches, getting deadwoods, checking bathrooms, stocking beer, etc. As time went on I was trained as a pinchaser to catch calls with the pinsetters. After that I learned the control desk and snack shop.
A few years ago I was given an opprotunity to help run a learn to bowl class for kids along side the general manager. We each tought the classes side by side with each other. We was rather impressed with my ability to work with the kids while keeping it fun. After the class ended he asked if i could run any future learn to bowl classes solo, and I gladly obliged.
Since then I've headed every learn to bowl class we host through our local park districts. To date I've tought about 6 classes. Keep in mind that this is over a 2 year period, so they only run a couple times a year. I've always loved working with the kids and they seemed to have alot of fun.
Since I really enjoy working with kids I'm deciding to start running my own classes through the center instead of just through a local park district, hopefully I'll be able to run more classes more frequently this way.
Our bowling center has been hit hard by a downturn in overall business we've been experiencing for the past couple of years. The greater goal of teaching classes with the kids besides it being fun, is to get as many kids as possible to go on to sign up for junior leagues. Not only will kids be able to learn and grow through the sport of bowling but the bottom line is bowlers=$$$.
My hourly wage is 8.25/ hr. just a quarter above minimum wage, and nowhere near a liveable wage. I currently go to community college full time as well as work about 30hrs/week. I'm going to college as a "back up plan", because a degree means i can get a job somewhere where i can atleast pay the bills, but if money wasn't an issue I'd just work at the center and try to coach as much as possible, because it's what i really enjoy doing.
I was thinking of talking to the owner about incentives for getting my kids to sign up for junior leagues.
Like for each kid that i get to join he pays me x dollars up front and they are compensated by the extra money the new bowler brings in, as to make it a win win situation.
As to date i've only had a couple kids actually go on to join leagues. But I recently finished teaching a class of 10 and of those ten 3 are more than likely going to join.
I'm now asking for suggestions on how I can help rebuild our junior league. Be it what to include on flyers, what we should charge for a six week class, or how to approach families with kids and hand them a flyer and have them atleast consider the possibility before they throw the flyer in the garbage and think nothing of it (believe me, this happens alot). So please, if you have any comments or suggestions to help, it would be greatly aprreciated.
getting me to slow down is like getting debbie not to do dallas......