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Author Topic: thumb problems  (Read 3513 times)


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thumb problems
« on: July 21, 2009, 11:52:25 AM »
I know that there are alot of people on here that drill equipment and run pro shops so this question is for those people. I have been bowling for years now. Over the last 10 years I have built up one heck of a callous on the left side of my thumb. (There is one on the other side but not nearly as huge as the other side.) The first couple of years that I bowled there was little difference between my bowling hand and the other. Now if ther was a ball drilled for my left hand then I would never be able to get my right hand into it. Now I can't get my thumb into balls that I had drilled as little as 4 seasons ago. Is this something common?? And more importantly is this something caused by the way my thumb holes are drilled. (dont ask what the pitches are in my thumb cause I couldnt tell you) I am just wondering if this is a symptom of a type of drilling mistake. Maybe it is pitched too much one way or another or I should be throwing more of an oval thumbhole. Anyway just wonder if anyone can tell me if this is common or not.....and if this is something that can be caused by drilling and maybe fixed by changing a way the hole is drilled. I appreciate all responses.



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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 08:12:36 PM »
I have been doing this for 15 years now, at the knuckle my thumbs have a full size difference in ring size. Also my right hand is overall bigger and my fingers are longer. This is normal, don't worry about it.
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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 09:50:43 PM »
Calluses are not a good thing.  Something is rubbing somewhere.  In the summer time I may rub a little but not a lot.  I can bowl 10 to 12 games before having issues.  When it does happen I mix nu skin and soap stone and apply to the area.  It is not abnormal to have body changes over the years.  People swell at different times.  Your thumb may have changes shape and or size.  Another thing that happens might be a change in drillers and or person finishing your equipment.  Jayhawk has a fitting tip guide.  On the guide it states

Normal Callus:
An average bowler will form a callus - a hard, thickened area on the skin - wherever the fingers and thumb have contact with the ball. It is formed because of the weight bearing of the ball on certain parts of the hand. This may be good for a bowler.

Personally if I had a choice I'd live without a callus.  It takes time learning about your hand and equipment to reduce the amounts of callus you may acquire.  A pro shop driller can reduce the amount but they can not feel the ball on your hand.  Only someone teaching you what to feel for and you doing it can reduce it to it's minimum.



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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 10:13:34 PM »
Thats kind of what I thought Smash49. I thought that a little bit of callus was normal but this thing is huge and I just thought that it was a sign of maybe needing to change the pitch of my thumb so that it doesnt rub so much against the thumb during release. Maybe too much of the ball weight is resting on that side of my thumb.


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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 10:58:08 PM »
Try putting a super smooth tape in the thumb hole where the side of your thumb would be. I personally use Vise Ta-1c ( ) tape on the side of my thumb hole and it gets the job done.  It might feel like the ball is slipping out of your hand at first because the friction on that side of your thumb that was helping you hold on to the ball will be completely gone. This allowed me to have a much tighter thumb hole and a relaxed grip overall. Goodluck!


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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 12:30:55 PM »
Try this.  Where you have the callus the problem most likely is on the other side directly opposite of the wound.  Take a piece of fine drywall screen and sand that side down a little.  Test the grip and start again until you feel the pressure go away.



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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 06:28:05 PM »
Try Vise Tape, cut two peices. Wrap the first at the base of your thumb, the second overlapping the first and hitting about half way up your nail. The tape is really thin, so you should be able to use it without having to open your thumb hole. If you have to open the hole, it want be much.

Over time, this will get rid of the callous for sure. It will also help with a consistent feel in your thumb hole.

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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2009, 09:03:55 PM »
ccrider, just curious, exactly which Vise tape are you referring to?  From what you're suggesting it sounds like the thumb would be completely covered, is this correct?  I've considered that but have a hard time holding onto the ball with the front of my thumb covered.


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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2009, 10:37:50 PM »
ccrider, just curious, exactly which Vise tape are you referring to?  From what you're suggesting it sounds like the thumb would be completely covered, is this correct?  I've considered that but have a hard time holding onto the ball with the front of my thumb covered.

I believe if you are having trouble, you have to be gripping with your thumb. This is a link to the tape. Buddies sales it also.  It is very thin, and gives you a consistent fill from ball to ball. Also cuts down on the wear and tear on your thumb.

Remember, at the most, all you need is a firm hold on your thumb, like holding a baby bird. This tape works great for me. Ebo or Brunswick makes a tape but it is thicker and does not stick as good.

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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2009, 12:15:55 AM »
I think I've seen that tape in a pro shop once, along with a red one also made by Vise.  Is this one similar to Turbo's beige colored roll or is there a difference such as thickness or texture?  As far as texture, what is the Vise one like?

About holding onto the ball, I do grip with my thumb.  You said you only need a firm hold on your thumb like a baby bird but that doesn't make a lot of sense to me because those seem like opposites.  Maybe I would just need to have a tight(er) thumb hole if I covered my thumb with the tape.

I do have a feeling this could work though, because of an experience I had once.  I had a blister on the side of my thumb and had to bowl a tournament so I put a piece of aqua Hada Patch on my thumb.  It made my thumb hole very snug, almost had to shove my thumb in, but I guess the patch reduced the majority of the friction I normaly have even though it was only on part of my thumb.  I did have to grip the ball on the backswing, but the downswing I had to relax and the way the ball rolled off my hand was pretty much as good as ever.


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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2009, 12:52:21 AM »
This almost sounds like a pitch problem. It is possible that as you get older your joints in your hand tend to change in angles ever so slightly. Have a good proshop operator take a look at your hand and ball fitment. Calluses are not normal if they are as big as your explaining. Small ones at the base of the inside thumb, and at the 1st joint from the tip on both sides are normal but not if they are big ones.

I used to have this big callus on my right thumb on the back side of the thumb. It was the size of a pea. While bowling in a Pro-Am event Norm Duke saw it while shaking hands 10-11 years ago. I at the time had no idea why I had that thing. Turns out the thumb hole in all of my equipment were 1-2 sizes too big causing me to grip the ball on every shot. I worked on my grip many months later trying pitches and hole sizes to fix the problem. 10 years later this callus is finally starting to go away fully. Its still there but 90% smaller in size.
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Re: thumb problems
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2009, 02:59:31 PM »
STOP "KNUCKLING" YOUR THUMB!!  Knuckling is bending the thumb at the knuckle to grip with the tip.  That will build a large callouse on the side of the thumb away from the index finger (this is the right side to a fitter/driller, but I'm fairly sure it's what you're calling the left side).  When you grip the ball you should not need much grip pressure with the thumb, and what pressure you do need should be applied with the base of the thumb, not the tip.  You might possibly need more right lateral thumb pitch or other grip changes also, but I doubt it.  --  JohnP