Guys and gals,
Above and beyond the fact that sanctioning also guarantees (bonds) the treasurer, when the league officials (President, Vice-President, etc) follow all the rules for taking care of the money,
there's also all the rules and ball and lane standards that are part of the USBC sancitoning participation.
I'm the last one to have any love for what the USBC does and fails to do but there are lots of standards and procedures invovled in the rules.
Once you toss out USBC sanctioning, you toss out every rule that comes to your mind UNLESS your league writes it into your by-laws.
No sanctioning implies anyone can do anything, LITERALLY.
If you think it was bad trying to get the USBC to throw out or to punsih a sandbagger now, wait until you have no sanctioning. You can use any weight pins, do anything you want to your bowling balls. Heck, full contact bowling (no joking matter) is valid. Basically until someone puts a rule into your league by-laws, NOTHING is illegal. NOTHING!
"None are so blind as those who will not see."