ok guys i need a lil help from the drilling gurus...i am redoing my entire arsenal and here is what i have so far (excuse my descriptions im not very good when it comes to drilling terms)
Ultimate Inferno---covers my heavy oil needs...drilled with the pin directly underneath the fingers with the cg kicked out to the right with a weight hole on the PAP...sanded to 600 grit
I am receiving a shock and awe soon drilled with the Pin next to ring, MB on VAL. X-hole 5" through CG from COG (this is the description he gave me) im hoping this will fall under the ultimate and cover most of my medium to heavy conditions...box condition
i also have a blank Labyrinth which im itching to drill up...this is where i need help
and i have a monster bruiser drilled label which is perfect when they get toasty...polished
ok heres where you guys come in
1. How will the shock and awe react with that drilling...im hoping to leave it like that so i don't have to plug anything
2. How should i drill the labyrinth to fit under the shock and awe? im thinking with the pin above the fingers drilled straight up with the cg in the center of the grip maybe taking the surface to 1000 sanded?
3. what are ur opinions on this arsenal good? bad?
i am more of a tweener medium revs my speed about 15mph if u need anymore info just ask and i will tell...Thanks!!!
i also have this posted in the morich forum but i figured id try both