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Author Topic: Reduce Bagging....An Idea?  (Read 3026 times)

trash heap

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Reduce Bagging....An Idea?
« on: August 13, 2004, 10:09:43 AM »
Why doesn't bowling take a page from golf. To establish handicap in Golf I believe it goes by taking the 10 best rounds out of 20. The handicap is based on your best games and the worst games are thrown out.

With bowling, base it on the best games thrown by the individual. Example:

8 Weeks - 24 Games - Take 12 Best Games to Establish Average.

Yes, Averages might go up, but it might just stop individuals from throwing a game here and there to keep their average down. Go ahead throw that ball in gutter, your team handicap will be same next week.

Trash Heap (exflinger wannabe)
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Reduce Bagging....An Idea?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2004, 02:11:12 AM »
I tried to get something similar passed during Wednesday league meeting.  The word must have gotten out about my plans, largest turnout we have ever had.  Unfortunately the team(s) of sandbaggers showed up in force, 8-9 men on the roster, got shot down by 7 votes.

Things really got heated.  The 2 teams threatened to quit.  My team gave them a standing ovation and offered to help them clean out their lockers.  They declined unfortunately.

At least it should be an interesting year.  Everytime they win, they'll be accused of sandbagging.  When they lose, they'll be accused of bagging.  Maybe the stigma will help curb it this year, time will tell.

My plan was to simply use a rolling average for the past 21 games.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Reduce Bagging....An Idea?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2004, 02:18:21 AM »
TrashHeap and SrKegler - Wont YOUR ideas CREATE a lot of work for the secretaries?   Or do the secretary PROGRAMS allow these ALTERNATIVE methods of calculating averages?
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.


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Re: Reduce Bagging....An Idea?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2004, 02:22:28 AM »
how about every league having a special police force, made up of the 4 or 5 strongest men in the league who arent baggers.  when they do stupid stuff like throw a game, these 5 guys take them out back and beat the crap out of them...maybe you can even do it with actual sandbags.

i actually like the 21 game rolling average idea,  except i would drop the high and low series out of those 7 weeks.



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Re: Reduce Bagging....An Idea?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2004, 02:27:50 AM »
In our case, we use in house record keeping, the program lets us calculate averages automatically.  It even had everyones average from the year before for every game so we could simply carry on where we left off.

I had examples of some of the bowlers in mention printed out, in their case it was a 30-40 pin difference between the entire year average and the last 21 games.

Bear in mind, the majority of the last 21 games were roll offs for the half and the league championship.  Wasn't a lot of bagging going on then.

Simple process to tell the computer how to compute averages.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones