I tried to get something similar passed during Wednesday league meeting. The word must have gotten out about my plans, largest turnout we have ever had. Unfortunately the team(s) of sandbaggers showed up in force, 8-9 men on the roster, got shot down by 7 votes.
Things really got heated. The 2 teams threatened to quit. My team gave them a standing ovation and offered to help them clean out their lockers. They declined unfortunately.
At least it should be an interesting year. Everytime they win, they'll be accused of sandbagging. When they lose, they'll be accused of bagging. Maybe the stigma will help curb it this year, time will tell.
My plan was to simply use a rolling average for the past 21 games.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel
1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"