302efi, you totally missed my point. I bowl anything and everything that i can. I bowl for a living. Thats how i earn my income. Just like most people have an 8-5 job, i go where the action is. Most of the time i stay away from local stuff. But i dont like the fact that i'm banned from it. All you are saying is that if you work hard and make yourself the best that you can be, you are now limited in what you can bowl in. Everybody has the same opportunity that i've had. Its not my fault that i chose this as my career, so dont blame me when i show up to compete. I dont look at it as "taking the little guys money". On house patterns the playing field is leveled and anybody can beat anybody at any given time. If you show up to bowl a tournament, i would expect you to bring your a game and nothing less, the same as i do. The only difference is that i've devoted the majority of my life to not only bowling but the entire sport. Dont insult me by saying i'm biting the hand that feeds me. I was the one feeding the big dogs for a long time ( and i still do on the national tour ). My whole point is that i'm going to compete whenever and wherever i can. If the PBA had something for me to bowl every week of the year, you would never see me in a local tournament. Until that time comes, my job is to go where the action is no matter how big or small. I'm not going to just sit at home and wait for the tour to start, i'm going to compete and i shouldnt be told when and where i'm allowed based on skill level. Bowling has a big enough integrity issue the way it is, but if the inflated average bowlers accross the country dont want their egos bruised, then they should find another sport to compete in. Now if you know me at all ( which i'm sure you dont ), you would know that i'm the first person to stand up against the soft lane condition issue. I am probably the biggest beneficiary of easy lane conditions, but i'm also the first person to say that the average record is a total, complete joke ! I will never knock the league bowlers that have averages that may not be "true", as long as they understand what their true skill level is. The best bowlers in the world average 228 at best ( PBA tour record ), so when somebody averages 242 in a league somewhere i tip my hat to them. But i hope they realize where they fit in to the world of this sport. Until the USBC does something to control this, we will continue to fight this problem.
302efi, im not attacking you on this subject. We just disagree on this topic. You have your opinion and i have mine, and i respect that. I just wish that either there was more separation between the proffessional and amateur ranks, or they do without the regulations on who can bowl in what. Just so that you know, i'm not eligible to bowl the largest tournament in my hometown. A tournament that i not only promoted and supported for over 20 years, but one that i've brought dozens and dozens of bowlers to. Since they no longer allow PBA members, they have basically told me thanks for all of your years of help, but we no longer want you around. How would you feel about that ? How would you feel about no longer being able to bowl the USBC Championships ? Its not fun watching your friends compete in tournaments when you can only watch. Again i'm sorry for ranting on, but this topic just frustrates me to no end. I have given an awful lot to my association and this sport in general, i guess i just expect to be supported in return
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter
www.stormbowling.comwww.jeffcarterbowling.comEdited on 6/24/2006 10:05 PM