Actually, MOST hand position and release changes will not have any noticable effect on your PAP location. The PAP is mostly determined by where the ball is when it comes off your thumb and fingers. The amount of axis rotation and amount of axis tilt are NOT directly connected with your PAP location. You might have 30 degrees of axis rotation and 15 degrees of axis tilt with your up the back release when playing the gutter, and 60 degrees of axis rotation and 25 degrees of axis tilt with your come-around-it release for playing deep inside, but your PAP location will still be roughly around 5 inches straight across from grip center. Slap a piece of white tape on your PAP the next time you go practice, and try using different releases. The piece of tape will rotate in one spot before the ball flares a bunch downlane, even if that spot is different with your different releases.