I usually throw 3 pieces on my thumbhole, and over the course of a night, will either leave it, or add a piece if my thumb doesnt swell. Especially in winter, my thumb swells half as much as in summer, so at times, I am able to get away with 2 pieces of tape. But as far as changing, I usually change about once a month as well, depending on how much I use a ball. If I use it non-stop for a couple of weeks, I change it. The yellow color is telling me its dirty and possibly soaking up sweat as well (I tend to have really clammy hands). If I dont change it out, or add anohter piece, I start to drop the ball somewhat and dont get that good feel. But great tip for anybody who is either starting to use tape, or someone who does but doesnt change it out....and possibly feeling a new ball is in order because "I cant get a good feel in it and its not hooking", or something to that effect.
Whats that made of?
14 Karat Gold.
Really??? Looks like rubber!
No the ring, not the hand....