List 'em here. I thought I'd seen the weirdest one a couple of years ago when a woman throwing a 6# house ball left the 7-8-9-10. Last night in league, a guy topped that...
He left what should have been the 2-4-8-10 - but the 4 pin slid over exactly between the 2 and the 8. We even fixed the scorer when it gave him a 6 count, and we saw that it was 7! The middle pin was so well aligned with the 2 and 8 that you couldn't even see it unless you stood on the lane to either side.
Weirder yet - when he shot his spare, he got all 3 in a row. Didn't make the 10, but he got the count.
I tried to get a pic of it, but I'm not used to the camera on my new phone yet...
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