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Author Topic: Adding to my Arsenal  (Read 617 times)


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Adding to my Arsenal
« on: May 10, 2019, 02:18:28 PM »
Hey guy, first post..53 year old stroker 14 mph/350 rpm, mid to high tilt and rotation. 5th year of competition league bowling and finished this season with a 186 avg and our team won our league and the city championship as well. We are also one of those beer swilling teams lol.

Started with Brunswick, buying a Melee Hook, Ultimate Nirvana and Fanatic BTU in 2015. the BTU is a urethane like smoothy that I'll use for a spare ball, so I'll continue to use that. Last year I bought a Storm Sure Lock and Marvel Pearl. I'm sold on Storm for the free hook and remarkable power and carry. I'm looking to go to the next purchase with a couple of intents. One is to replace the Melee Hook..mid strong symmetrical solid with a nice back end punch. I don't want another hybrid to replace the Ultimate Nirvana. But I am looking for..well, that is where I could use help. I want a step down from the Marvel Pearl, as it's a smooth arcing, yet strong pearl. I really don't have that benchmark ball..I'm looking to stay with Storm/Roto Grip. Suggestions?