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Author Topic: REPO a bowling ball?....  (Read 4893 times)


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REPO a bowling ball?....
« on: April 02, 2009, 12:15:38 AM »
I recently sold 2 Columbia Wrath SF balls for $150.  The person they were sold to was a friend so I felt not collecting the money upfront was OK...About 6 months went by and all was given to me was $25 of the original bill...Last night, we bowled against their team and he was using one of the balls.  Once the match was over, I just took the ball back in front of him and all his teammates.  Come to find out that he owes money to at least 2 pro shops in the area.

Needless to say, he has completely burned his bridge with me.  First time I have had to REPO a bowling ball.




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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2009, 05:37:08 PM »
I've had a customer owing me £88 for about a year!  He lives in a different town so I rarely see him, but every time I see him he has an excuse...



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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2009, 07:38:00 PM »
Years ago I sold a "friend" a Red Pearl Hammer the was basically new for $70.00. He used to strp and wax the floors at the center every Sunday night and they would ay him $150.00 to do it. Every mon he came up qith a different excuse. So one night when he had the first 8 I walked down on the approach and repo'd his ball, I told him he had 10 minutes to pay for it or i would start plugging it. Funny thing.......He came up with the money right aay
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Break Down 60x4.5x60 @3k+polish
coming soon X,Desert Ops,Special Ops, Shadow Ops., Truth Pearl ,Drift


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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2009, 07:55:36 PM »

The thing that amazes me about this type of person (there's probably one in every league) is that they never seem to be short on cash for everything else. They buy beer by the gallon, enter every side pot available, even winning their share, yet they still don't make any attempt to fulfill their obligation to you.

I bowl with a guy like that.  He is constantly behind in the envelope, usually about two weeks behind.  Yet, he finds money for the high game pot and a few pitchers of beer.  I guess I'll never understand folks like that.


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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2009, 08:39:19 PM »
I was ready to do this, ball was paid for but the funds were not there.  But a call to the local police instructed me that I could be breaking the law by illegal confiscation!  And in turn be sued.  Situation has been resolved but it took 2 months and a lot of hassle.  

No more checks.  My time being a patient optimistic retailer are over.  


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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2009, 09:13:48 PM »
i thought i was  the only one getting shafted. gave a "buddy" a new 14# sidewinder and a lightly used super carbide bomb for his dad to drill up. told him he could have it for 75.00 which is what i paid for it and 50 bucks for the scb,( i know, i know, stupid me ) i trusted the dude. took 4 freaking months and then he gives me a beat up gamebreaker and a really nice paradigm, 15# so i couldn't use them but i could sell them to at least get back some of what he owed me. i told him i sold the paradigm and he had the audacity to get pissed because i didn't GIVE HIM THE MONEY for the ball.i told him i was still about 50 bucks short. bottom line, this past year he wanted to try some 14#ers again so he came back to me to TRY one of mine because his wrist was hurting. this time i said money up front 1st, he said he wanted to try it and see if he liked it before he bought it. not this time Buckwheat. i hope your freaking wrist falls off. by the way, i told everyone not to deal with this guy. i believe in karma. treat people decent and hopefully they'll treat you the same. so far, so good on dealing with guys on this sight.


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Re: REPO a bowling ball?....
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2009, 04:59:50 AM »
Sold one of my ex-teammates a Centrifigal Mass that had real low games for $75 bucks in Nov. 2007. He said he wouldn't have the cash till after the holidays and I let it slide...told him that was cool. Well the topic came up recently and his excuse was that it doesn't work well for him and he hasn't won any money yet.

After I let him have a peice of my mind about that whole idea he came down at the end of the night and gave me 20 bucks towards it and said our 'balance' is now 35 dollars cause he gave my best friend money to give me last year.

Just had to laugh. The kicker to the story is that he doesn't use it much because his best look is a V2 that I sold him for $55 dollars a month after I had paid full retail. And on top of that he plugged the CM and put a different layout and surface on it even though he knows squat about equipment.

Bottom line. He cut himself off. I have over 200 bowling balls and he will pay top dollar, up front, if he ever even wants to LOOK at another.
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