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Author Topic: Report your Sport league results  (Read 13942 times)


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Report your Sport league results
« on: May 05, 2004, 10:19:15 PM »
How many are bowling in them this Summer? I was lucky enough to get Livespive to bowl with me in a local doubles league. This will be my first time trying the Sport conditions. I thought it might be fun to compare notes as the Summer goes by to compare progress. I know I will probably be lucky to hold 170-180. Any interest, post here.
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Edited on 5/13/2004 9:14 AM



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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2004, 02:45:10 PM »
Kendog, thanks.  The good thing is my coach is the one running the league, so I think he will be kind when putting me on a team.  I am really looking forward to the challenge.  I have really been working on my attitude and mental game.  This should be a great test of how far I have come or how much more I need to do
Age is only a state of mind.  Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2004, 05:13:54 PM »
Looks like I may get to go back to work and hit the alleys the 1st part of June.  If so, I'll only miss one week of the summer sport shot.  Hopefully this yars lasts longer.  Last years the league folded in the 4th week.

Kendog:  From the scores Eric posted, he must have been rushing the line, once his approach goes past 3 inches he loses timing.  

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2004, 05:35:11 PM »
I tried the 6 inch approach, but the approaches were to slick

Seriously though, I think I need to get a piece of rubber or something
and put it on my right shoe.  IF Ken was watching I kept wiping it off
before I bowled.

Anyone got any tips?

Even with some sure gripping shoes my approach is going much past 12 inches....


This is a lot of mass to have to stop if I stick at the line
I have fell once and I won't do it again.  Don't think Ohio could
handle another 10.0

If I stick I got two steps to stop before I land in the lanes

But like I said, on slower approaches It's about a 6 inch aproach,
not 3.  

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member

Edited on 5/13/2004 5:37 PM


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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2004, 06:51:50 PM »
One thing I'm seeing after the second week of what I'm choosing to call a "near-sport" condition league - my equipment is all new.  That is, I'm seeing reactions out of stuff that re-positions the relationship between most of what I have.  Some balls seem stronger; some weaker.... Anyone else notice anything like this?

Rag - Yes, I've experienced this as well.  The best explanation I can offer is to consider two balls (A and B).  Assume that on "normal" conditions, A outhooks B by 3-4 boards overall.  Now switch to a lane condition where there is a ton of oil at the "optimum" breakpoint (determined by ball cover, core, layout, and the way you throw the ball) for ball A and the lane is dry toast at the "optimum" breakpoint of ball B.  We'd expect B to outhook A in this case.

Kill the back row

Edited on 5/13/2004 6:50 PM


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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2004, 04:40:32 PM »
My first night of sport bowling is finished.  And yes, I'm going back next week for more

We had 45 people show up for a singles league, and with some of the regulars out for vacation, we might make the league max of 60 players.

The Shot of The Week is a 48 foot long pattern.  I have a basic grasp of lane conditions, so if you want more details I'll try to fill in what's on this sheet.

We had our little meeting and then practice started.  Just before the meeting ended our secretary made sure to point out that first, the patterns will be different, and second, to make it more interesting, they put 3 lb. 10 oz. pins in the racks.  Oh boy

As for me, I just tried to do what I normally do in league, minus the 12-boards-of-area stuff where I can push right and tug left and still strike.  I used my El Nino X-It (since it's my goop ball) for all five games, and I felt I fared pretty well.  I only netted one 3-count on a badly tugged ball, but on the whole I was pleased with my bowling (and I only missed ONE ten pin).

I didn't switch balls because from the 8-9 board I felt I was getting a good reaction.  I ended up shooting 211-162-170/543 for the first three, then after we were matched up for our bonus-pins matches I shot 204 to my opponent's 201, and then he got me 186-162.  He got the bonus pins, dommit

I'm looking forward to the rest of the league.  Call Monday Beginner's Luck, because I know it won't be that easy the rest of the way
White Dot
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2004, 06:55:51 PM »
1st night completed and, like White Dot, I will be back next week.  We have 15 teams of trios.  I was concerned about too many ultraserious big shots, not the case at all.  Serious, yes, but there to have fun also.  Many are regulars and a few of us newbees.

A moment of panic when I was introduced to one of my teammates.  The 1st thing he tells me is he plans on us taking no lower than 5th place in the league.  My 1st thought is, this is going to be a long 12 weeks.  I later found out he is a 169 bowler on the THS.

The league format is 2 games of position, then 2 games of league competition, a total of 6 points per night.  Since it is the 1st night everyone will bowl 2 on their starting lane, then move a pair to the right.

Our 1st pair had a fairly easy shot, not a lot of strikes, but makable spares.  One open per game in the 1st set for 191-182.

We move and I wasn't as fortunate making the adjustments.  The shot was somewhere between 10 and 13.  Outside of 10 was OB, inside of 13 the ball slid and left splits.  I managed 4 opens in game 3, 3 of which were splits.  One of them the sour apple or lily and I managed to put the ball nicely between the 5-10 missing both  I finished with a 139.

The last game I refused to hit 10, I either pulled it out to 9 or in to 13, both were not good places to be.  I did pick up a few more spares and left a few less splits for a 154 and an evil 666 series.  A 166 average, not bad since my book in the center on the typical shot was 180.  The biggest thing was I did not allow myself to get frustrated and maintained a good attitude.
Age is only a state of mind.  Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young
USBC Bronze Coach

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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2004, 09:10:05 AM »
Well, back to Earth this week. 42' Master's pattern last night. 5 of first 6 frames bowled splits. Never could find a line to the pocket.

At the time I couldn't really say I'd learned anything from the night's experience, but this morning I realize I made a cardinal error of switching balls too much. I'm going to limit myself to three next week.

I did cover a couple of tough splits in the third game to scrape out a 166 for my high game. 418 series I think, which drops me to 162 ave.

One tough thing about this league was that we only got time for two practice balls. Personally, I need more than two balls to get loose. Maybe I'll try to get a game in before the league starts next week.
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2004, 10:07:25 AM »
Well as Ken said it was 42' of pure enjoyment.
Looking back I realized that I haven't used my oil
game in so long that I was rusty.  I was holding the ball
low in front of me instead of to my side.  IT cause a few
acuracy problems, but nothing to major.  Ken also mention
having to many balls.  I guess I am kind of there to learn
what my balls will do, so I bring as many as I can

I will say that yesterday made me think about how I want to set
up an arsenal.  I think I am going to go more with surface changes
more than layout changes.

I was bowling yesterday and playing a little with my schorcher,
but for the most part I was using my two charcoal executioners.
I started the first game with a 167, not bad.  The ex was moving
more than the scorcher to me (must mean that this wasn't a true flood).
The ex was drilled label leverage and was in box condition.  

Second game I was still getting a good responce from my ex until
about the 8th frame.  I started to get a little to loose, and my
ball speed was getting up there.  Very bad for 42'.  Still pulled
out a 172.

Third game a switch to my ex drilled 315.  I liked the read I was getting
except with with my ball speed I needed a little more surface on that ball.
I ended up fighting my ball speed that game and shot 138

I think I am going to get another ex and drill it 315 but leave it in box
condition, or even scuff it a tad, because I like the reaction of that drill.


I went back to the 3" approach and the timing improved

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
 Visionary Test Staff Member


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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2004, 10:37:18 AM »
I guess I should add my scores to this thread.

The summer league is using a 38 foot, forward oil only pattern for the first 6 weeks. I had a new piece to break in, a V2 Clean, so that's what I used. All I can say is when this breaks down, it goes fast. I started standing on 20 and throwing up 10, had a great line to the pocket. By the middle of the second game I was standing on 37 and swing 19 at the arrows out to about 9-10. Definitely out of my comfort zone.

Scores: 212-180-168-190/750. Had a couple of splits the second game, and missed 2 10 pins the third game because I didn't believe a Blue Dot could move 7 boards. Took 11 out of 12 points though.

Afterwards, I bowled a couple of extra games, used my dull Khameleon drilled for max hook, and threw pretty much straight up 5. Had a great line, must of thrown 7 or 8 in a row. Whether I can do that in competition tonight is another story.

More to come.


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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2004, 02:01:22 PM »
Well, this kinda sucks.  Our sport league was suposed to start last nite.  We had 6 people show up.  So much for the league.

The house let us bowl for free though just so we could tell everyone what they were missing.

First time I've been able to bowl since the car wreck so I'm pretty satisfied.  Shot was pattern E.  Don't know where they came up with it pertaining to easy.

154 1st game, 3 big splits 3-5-7 frame, used my Pearl Bomb.

Switched to my Thing 2d game, 184, one open.

Lanes opened up 3rd game, shot clean 226, 564 series.

Unfortunately, doesn't look like we can get up to the 20 people the house needs to justify running the league.  Its really a shame, all of us had more fun trying to find the shot and ending up with 150 games than we do when we just dump it right and hope for the carry.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

1st law of combat, "Bullets always have the right of way"
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2004, 11:48:31 PM »
Week 2 is in the books, and I have to pad my average the week after Memorial Day because the pattern will change starting in Week 4.


I had my highest sport game and first sport 600 tonight!!

I rolled games of 243-179-182 for 604, and finished 8th out of 43 bowlers.  My next two games were 165-191/356, and my opponent shot 365 so I missed the bonus 30 points AGAIN, dommit  I had 960/5, so I won't complain too loudly.  I like shooting spares on long patterns.  I've only missed two ten pins in ten games

Oh well, it's been fun, and I can't wait to bowl the four patterns through the rest of the season.  Here's what we get in the coming weeks:

Weeks 1-3:  44 feet traditional sport

Weeks 4-6:  33 feet Junior Gold 2002

Weeks 7-8:  53 feet modified 2002 Sr. Masters

Weeks 9-10:  40 feet 2004 U.S. Open

I think my Red Pearl Hammer might make an appearance starting in Week 4
White Dot
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2004, 08:33:05 AM »
White Dot, congrats on those fine scores! I only wish we had the same shot to look at for a few weeks. This league changes shots every week.  I'm not sure if this is gonna cure me or kill me!

Sr, sorry to hear about the poor turnout for your league. We certainly didn't have that problem here. I believe we have like 22 teams in our house.

One nice fringe benifit to sport leagues that I see already, since you mostly have serious bowlers, you get pretty decent participation in the jackpots $$$; nothing huge, but a few wins could cover a bruised ego nicely.
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2004, 12:28:15 PM »
I was told last night that for the summer the patterns are PBA patterns rather than the tougher winter sport patterns.  

Last night was a more consistent night for me, with the last game being the toughest.  Games 1 & 2 were my fault, my timing was just a little off and I couldn't release the ball consistently.  Since I only averaged 166 last week, they were respectable 179-164.

My timing was back for the 2nd set on the second pair of lanes, but I never found a line.  178-155.  I did shoot 10 pins higher than last week and my average is up to 167.  Unfortunately my team is still looking for their 1st win.  We are 0 - 12
Age is only a state of mind.  Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2004, 01:13:29 PM »
First night last night: PBA pattern A2

168-159-152: 479

Easily 100 pins in missed spares (and not counting splits!)

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Re: Report your Sport league results
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2004, 02:08:37 PM »
Couple of hours until this weeks brutality is begun. lem'me at 'em!
avoids spare shooting at all costs
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