Well as Ken said it was 42' of pure enjoyment.

Looking back I realized that I haven't used my oil
game in so long that I was rusty. I was holding the ball
low in front of me instead of to my side. IT cause a few
acuracy problems, but nothing to major. Ken also mention
having to many balls. I guess I am kind of there to learn
what my balls will do, so I bring as many as I can

I will say that yesterday made me think about how I want to set
up an arsenal. I think I am going to go more with surface changes
more than layout changes.
I was bowling yesterday and playing a little with my schorcher,
but for the most part I was using my two charcoal executioners.
I started the first game with a 167, not bad. The ex was moving
more than the scorcher to me (must mean that this wasn't a true flood).
The ex was drilled label leverage and was in box condition.
Second game I was still getting a good responce from my ex until
about the 8th frame. I started to get a little to loose, and my
ball speed was getting up there. Very bad for 42'. Still pulled
out a 172.
Third game a switch to my ex drilled 315. I liked the read I was getting
except with with my ball speed I needed a little more surface on that ball.
I ended up fighting my ball speed that game and shot 138

I think I am going to get another ex and drill it 315 but leave it in box
condition, or even scuff it a tad, because I like the reaction of that drill.
I went back to the 3" approach and the timing improved

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member