Week 4. 33-foot Junior Gold pattern. My Red Pearl Hammer hooked quite a bit in the first game and a half, then basically STOPPED. I was standing at 18 and targeting 6, and I think maybe carrydown (?) stopped the ball from hooking.
I switched to the Grey Wolf, and moved WAY left to stand at 35, and I was targeting the breakpoint on the lane by looking at the shadow of the 6 pin. My scores weren't great for the first three though. 153-193-156/502.
We changed pairs for the bonus match, and FINALLY!! I won my 30 bonus pins!

My opponent shot 160-161, and keeping the same line (stand 35, target the shadow of the 6 pin) I shot 204-234. Woo hoo!

I had 940/5, and I think that's my highest set ever.
I rather like scratch bowling. For my next trick, I'd like to win maybe ONE sidepot, since I've lost sidepots by 1 and 2 pins. I can't wait till next week to bowl again.
P.S. -- Thursday is when the adult/youth starts, and for me, it's plastic only. My son is so excited he's almost foaming at the mouth

White Dot
Raising kids is like trying to nail Jell-o to a tree.http://faldo.atmos.uiuc.edu/FBL/mkting.html