I figure I better get this over with

Shot horrible yesterday, had a 428 (yes 428)
GOt beat by the blind bowler (450)
Shot a 94 (no, this is not bowling slang for 194), 147 and 187.
Last game was for pride because I was wasn't going to let Kendog sweep
me all 3 games.
PAttern was simple, it was just the bowler. short oil, OOB outside the 10,
and no pull room in te middle. Bad combo if you missed last week, and haven't bowled in 2 weeks. IT was hard to figure out the pattern when you were stiff
and inconsistant. By the time I got loose it was to late the damage was done.
By the 3rd game, I could have went 3 more, and probably shot about mid 500.
Kendog did good had a 207 167 181 555.
We would be deadly if we could get on the same page

Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member