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Author Topic: Respect  (Read 2996 times)


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« on: March 06, 2009, 03:02:13 AM »
I was bowling yesterday and there is this guy who has been bowling for about probably 50-60 years.  He is in his 60's.  He still averages over 200, he just puts the ball down on the lane, it goes out and just comes up.  Normally when I bowl him, he kicks my ass, 245-256 etc.   That just got me thinking.

I know a long time ago you respected your elders.   How common is it where you bowl to have a certain individual who is beyond his prime, but still earns the respect of all of the other bowlers, young and old?

I am 30 btw(not young anymore).



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Re: Respect
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2009, 11:10:41 AM »
I know quite a few seniors that teach me a few things every I bowl them.  We have one guy in my mixed league who is 82 years old and still buys new equipment and throws the rock pretty well.


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Re: Respect
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2009, 11:55:49 AM »
To answer your question, I own a custom made t-shirt with "Al Stein Owns Me" embroidered on the front of it.

Al and I have had many wars on the lanes and his 670-680 getting 25 pins of handicap per game usually means a long night for me.
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Re: Respect
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2009, 12:48:47 PM »
There's a few bowlers in one of the houses I bowl at who have all the respect in teh world from everybody.  They're getting on in years, but are still averaging in the low 210's. I remember 10-15 years ago they averaged well near 225-230 and tore up local and state tournaments.  They still do occasionally, but their names don't pepper the local papers as much.  I hope one day to be that successful and be that respected.
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Re: Respect
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2009, 12:53:36 PM »
We've got a couple guys in my area that aren't young ones anymore but still garner immense respect from every one that bowls with them or against them.

I have absolutely no problem getting beat by anybody, no matter what their age is as long as they earned their victory.  Some of the best games and matches I have bowled over the years have been against guys that I go toe to toe with and its right down to the end as to who is gonna win.  I love bowling against these guys.
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Re: Respect
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2009, 03:02:21 PM »
Two of my toughest opponents are 50+ and 60+, respectively. Neither do anything fancy but they're in the pocket nearly every shot, every frame. The 50+ guy is good enough to split boards, and on a league with only 4-5 200+ averages out of 96 bowlers, carries 220 and it's a bad night for him if he's not shooting 670-700.

The 60+ guy knows very little about equipment. He basically has 3-4 basic adjustments he makes to hand position and speed, maybe moves just a hair the whole night. Has a beautiful free armswing that came naturally to him. Throws a heavy rolling ball with a lot of speed. I've never beaten him twice in the same set.

I know I'm in for it when I bowl either of them, but I still like bowling them because I try to learn from what they're doing.



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Re: Respect
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2009, 07:15:02 PM »
in our association the best players are between the ages of 35 and 55. younger players don't seem to do as well either in league or tournaments. they're too busy looking cool and seeing how many boards they can cover all the while averaging 185. the older players like myself are averaging 225 year after year.


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Re: Respect
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2009, 10:29:08 PM »
I guess that depends on what you consider a bowlers prime.  I'd say the average bowlers prime is around 30 to around 50.  Most of realize in our mid 20s that to get better we might need to change a few things.  That takes a few years to relearn.  

There are a few "older" guys in my center that I'd take any time for a 5 man Bob(I know I just called you "older" a few posts above me.  There are some guys that are still pretty good into their 60s.  I think the big issue is injuries and health.  If they remain injury free and healthy, the can still hold their own.
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Re: Respect
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2009, 12:28:16 PM »
bowled a tournament a few years ago and on the next pair over was the great glenn allison.  i went over to him to pay my respects, worship him a little, and shake his hand.  he was very gracious and kind.  watched him for awhile and the man can still knock them down.  everyone around our pairs treated him with the respect he deserved.
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Mike Austin

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Re: Respect
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2009, 02:37:38 PM »
I've had the pleasure of bowling the same league as none other than Mr. Bill Lillard.  He is well into his 70's pretty sure, still averages over 200.  Makes a run at 300 every year.  This guy is like 2nd all time in career pins at the USBC, one of the all time great bowlers, EVER.  He tries to tell others how great a bowler we are.  I'm like yeah, whatever, I can't carry your bag, Mr. Lillard.

He is so nice, so much class, honored to have known him.  He gets big respect from every body in the Houston area, as well he should.

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Re: Respect
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2009, 03:29:25 PM »
I remember a few years ago bowling in a doubles league. My friend and I went up against two older guys that both of us looked up to. They are both I would say 60+. Both of them have had my respect for many of years. We shot ok nothing special nothing bad by any means as well. These two guys SCHOOLED us on how to follow the oil all night long. Both of them the classic down and in shot right on the oil line. It was a site of beauty watching these guys all night. I think they both shot like 730+. I will remember that night as long as I am alive.
Back to the topic though I do respect so many older bowlers back in Sioux Falls just because of what they have done for the sport and for things they have taught me. I see so many younger kids that just don't care about the older bowlers and think they are not worthy to bowl with. I laugh when those kids get in the adult leagues and get some serious arse kicking by those older bowlers.

Mike Austin

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Re: Respect
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2009, 08:28:35 PM »
Loochy, thank you so much for that link!!

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Re: Respect
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2009, 08:34:07 PM »
If you want an education just find the guys on the SASBA Tour.  


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