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Author Topic: Results of dropping 1lb?  (Read 2226 times)


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Results of dropping 1lb?
« on: June 12, 2009, 07:17:14 PM »
How do you know when you need to drop a pound?
What is achieved or to be expected by dropping in weight?
I currently throw 15, and have been considering dropping to 14 for possibly more control, and more importantly more revs.
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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 04:22:07 AM »
I'm thinking about the same thing. I also use 15lbs at the moment, but thinking of changing to 14lbs because of wrist problems.

I'm a little afraid that there will be loss of carry. Changing to 14lbs also means that in the beginning I would have two different weights in my bag.

I'm very interested in this topic, so I'll be following this.


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 05:08:41 AM »
To shed some light I dropped to 14 last season and I am staying there. I had a problem with my elbow and had surgery on the uclar nerve. Missed a few weeks to the season and when i came back i was throwing 15 but it just seemed to heavy at first. so my ball driller throws 14 and let me use one of his and boy I could feel the difference. So I went with it I did pick up a little speed once my arm got stronger but carry wasnt an issue. Still hit as hard as 15 just a few more stone 4 and 9 but over all not much of a difference. It also depends on the person I guess too you  might like it might not id say give it a try got nothin to loose.


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2009, 06:33:56 AM »
I played with a 14 half of last season, was throwing 15's, but elbow problems mage me change. I'm no means anywhere near pro, I'd say my bowling is more for other's entertainment, but I have fun. Anyway, I saw no difference in pin carry, due to ball. The house had old pins and late last season started changing them out, then I saw a lot better carry, mew pins more than ball weight.

My point is I saw no difference, unless I slowed the ball down so slow, then I did see a bit more deflection in the rack, but I'm talking VERY slow. Think of laying the ball down on the 5 board (RHer) and it takes out the 7 pin, that slow. Then I did see a lesser pin carry but normal speed, no real difference.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2009, 11:24:51 AM »
I threw 15's, but went down to 14's several years back, due to wrist problems. My average was just as high ( if not higher ) with the 14's as it was with the 15's.

  After a couple of years, I went back up to 15's, but didn't see any improvement over the 14's. except on very "off" hits that shouldn't have carried anyway.

 Now, I have just gone BACK down to 14's again, and this time I am going to stay there. I can average 215-220 on our THS with 14's, they're easier to throw, I don't tire out as easily, and I am more accurate with them as I have become juist an occasional, recreational type bowler, due to my job.

 I am not afraid of the hit, or carry, of the lighter stuff. I have a friend who drilled a 12lb ball last year ( as an experiment ) and it even struck well when thrown properly, not nearly as well as the 14's, but well enough to convince us it isn't all about gross weight anymore.

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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2009, 04:16:11 PM »
how old are you guys????

 49 in August.
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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2009, 04:57:45 PM »
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2009, 08:01:07 PM »
72 this past February. I dropped from 15# to 14# 3 years ago and saw no loss in carry and I have slower speed and low revs. In fact I leave fewer 10 Pins with the 14# ball, but leave a few more 7 Pins than I used to. IMO, with the strength of today's cores, coverstock, and etc. I don't think there is any difference in pin carry between 14's & 15's. Just my opinion and oberservation. To sum it up, 14's work for me.
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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2009, 08:41:55 PM »
32 and feelin older everyday lol


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2009, 09:22:54 PM »
Well, I'm only 24.  I'm in great shape, I have no problems throwing the 15lb, I don't get tired, no wrist injuries or physical problems at all.  I've just always followed the 'trend'.  First, heavier was better and I threw 16lbs.  Then technology advanced, and 15lb balls created better rg/Diff values, and have considered to be the 'best' so that's what I've been throwing.  Although 15 is still considered 'optimal' it's become more apparent that due to current cover stock abilities, 14lb balls carry just as well as 15 or 16.  So I was curious if I'd benefit any ball dropping to 14, just to possibly have more control, and more revs?  In my scenario where I have no physical signs telling me I need to drop to 14, that doesn't necessarily mean 15lbs is what I should be throwing.  Just because I can with no problems, doesn't make it 'right'.  And I know you're probably thinking 'if it aint broke don't fix it" but I can't help but wonder if dropping to a 14 could improve my game.

I guess the only way I'll be able to really find out is to try it myself, so today I just bought a 14lb Rogue Cell, and I guess I'll try it out and see.  I was just wondering what everyone else's opinion on the matter was.

I guess a more 'answer-able' question would be, hypothetically:
I just started bowling, and want to buy my own ball.  I'm 24, 5'11, and 145lbs.  What weight do you recommend I start at?  What are the pros/cons of 14,15,16?

Like I said, it's hypothetical as I've been bowling for a while, but how do you know what weight you 'should' be at?  The only 'rule of thumb' I've ever heard was 10% of your body weight, while also taking into account, physical fitness, wrist strength, flexibility, etc.
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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2009, 07:45:28 PM »
the one way that i heard to judge what pound ball one should use is to hold your bowling arm at your side then bend your elbow at a 90 degree angle and hold the ball in your palm, if you can do this and keep the ball steady then that is a weight you can handle. just my 2 cents.


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2009, 08:59:13 AM »
I have a 14lb ball in my bag but throw 15. About the only thing I notice about the two weights is that my 15 hits harder but they both knock all the pins down if I hit the pocket.
I got the 14lb ball so I could throw it faster and put a few more revs on it if I needed to.

I'm 42 by the way.

Edited on 6/15/2009 8:59 AM


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2009, 09:04:46 AM »
I dropped to 14 mainly due to elbow and wrist troubles.
i found i have more control, more revs. more accuracy.
I talked to several people who i knew used 14's to get their input.
I have been very happy, and no more elbow pain. wrist still acts up from time to time, but I have been scoring consistentely better w/ the lighter stuff.

ron's article about using lighter balls was a good read, and also helped make it easier for me to make the decision

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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2009, 10:16:09 AM »
Adrenaline, I'm 35 and use to throw nothing but 16lbs & now I throw
the 14lb stuff religiously.  Timing is the key, but more control is what
is achieved, in my opinion.  With the lighter weight, I haven't lost any carry,
and people are amazed that the 14lber can hit the way it does.

Control was a big issue for me, as I hurt my wrist and my bowling suffered.  My
wrist is tons better now, but i still stick with the 14lber because of control.
My ball speed is around 16mph and i have alot of hand in the ball, and my
biggest problem with the new equipment was they are too strong and weak layouts
became too flippy for me.  I noticed that the 14lbers have natural length, so
i didnt need to drill them with a long pin to pap.  So that was a plus for me.

Also, its a whole lot easier to take the hand out of the ball with control.  
And that for me is a must, as I dont see much oil and I'm either way deep
4th or 5th arrow with my regular release or like now, I soften up the shot and
play around 8.  And playing that direct hasnt cost me the carry either.  

Just remember with the lighter weight you might overpower the ball at first.  
Just be smooth and have good timing and solid frame at the line and you will
be able to adjust to the lighter weight.


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Re: Results of dropping 1lb?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2009, 03:19:10 PM »
I just dropped to 14 this summer, after throwing 15 pound balls for years. Last year, I tore the upper tendon in my bowling arm loose (the one that holds your bicep muscle at the top and goes all the way up into your shoulder) and decided that even though my shoulder did not hurt, that it might be the wise thing to do.

I now have a complete (mostly) 14 pound arsenal, and am happy to say, I am averaging higher than normal in the summer league. So far, so good!

I don't see any difference in the carry, splits or designer leaves.

And, by the way, I am 74, to be 75 in Oct.

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