Something crazy happened a few days ago at my local bowling alley.
I'm sure all of you at least once or more have experienced the ball getting stuck in the machine - and the staff had to go behind and fix it to get your ball back.
Well, This has happened to me a few times, but this time it was different.
I threw a few balls and at one point the ball never came back, so i waved the staff over as usual, they went behind to fix it - but they never found the ball.
My ball was simply gone, lost, disappeared.
They spent 40 minutes searching behind the machines and around (in case it flew out and rolled away).
They opened up the Ball return machine, and also the Capping next to the gutter.
They searched under the lane as much as they could with flashlights.
But they just could not find it, The owner said he never experienced this or ever heard of something like this during his 40 years as working there.
There were a few witnesses to this as well, and i never left my lane during any time.
He spent some time yesterday again, and nothing.
As I understand, you can only see a restricted area under the lanes, and that my ball maybe is out of sight?
Do you guys ever heard of something like this? Any ideas?
My problem now is that i want a new ball from the bowling alley as i'm not responsible for the ball disappearing.
I bought the ball 2,5 years ago when it was newly released, I know it's not worth as much today but they should still give me a new ball for the same amount I bought it for, as i shouldn't pay a new one with my own money..
Would you agree?