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Author Topic: Resurfacing bowling balls - covering holes?  (Read 933 times)


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Resurfacing bowling balls - covering holes?
« on: February 16, 2010, 06:35:54 AM »
Use a Vertex to resurface some of my stuff from time to time.  I find that the inserts get a little worn and the tape turns to crap after the process.  

I typically end up replacing both of them, but does anyone have any sneaky genius idea for covering them to keep the holes clean when I'm giving the ball a new surface?



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Re: Resurfacing bowling balls - covering holes?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 03:00:56 PM »
I replied to a post a couple of days ago as to what I use. I have used for a long time, clear plastic shipping tape. I just cut off a square and place it over the thumb hole or finger holes if needed. Abralon pads will wear the tape down if you are resurfacing the ball. You may need to replace the tape a time or two. After you finish peel the tape off and turn the ball upright and spin around the hole to keep the ball looking the same everywhere. The tape also prevents rounding the holes.


Edited on 2/16/2010 4:01 PM