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Author Topic: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury  (Read 1293 times)


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Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« on: April 08, 2008, 06:43:01 PM »
Which one of these balls would be the best on oil. I am a tweener that throws about 16mph. Also which one will last the longest and not die after 80 games.



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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 08:40:29 AM »
CELL by far.


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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 05:05:21 PM »
I don't know about the Cell or Fury but I do own a Resurgence.
Ball lost a few boards of hook after about 25 games.  I'm not sure if this issue happens with other big hook balls.  It just seems balls are very high maintenance these days. I have to pull the oil out of the ball about every 25 games.  Ball hooks good and works good for me.


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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 05:41:24 PM »
First, the Fury should be left out of this comparison. It's not in the same oil category as either the Resurgence or Cell.....

Both the Resurgence and Cell are very good oil balls. Two of my better bowling friends have both. In watching them throw the two, the differences are subtle. The Cell seems to be a 'rollier' reaction, making it's move a little earlier in the midlane with good continuation. The Resurgence is a little longer, retaining more energy on the backend. Of course, drilling can make a big difference here.

I've asked both which one they prefer, and they both gave a very slight nod to the Cell, mostly because they personally like the earlier Cell reaction. They also both noted that their Resurgence's lost reaction quicker than their Cells. That probably played a little into their thinking.

If you can't throw the BuzzBomb , either of these two balls are a very good choice.
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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 06:18:35 PM »
First, the Fury should be left out of this comparison. It's not in the same oil category as either the Resurgence or Cell.....

I agree with what Steven said here. The Fury is not in the same class as the Resurgence and Cell. Based on see ing the 2 balls a few times here, I would give the nod to the Cell. A team mate of mine has a cell and it works great for him.
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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 06:24:20 PM »
Go with the Cell. Rolling out is not an issue if you don't drill it agressive. I personally would not drill it even at finger level. I have 2 and the most agressive one I have is stacked with the pin up 1.5 inches and that is my strongest ball. Also the only reason the Cell rolls out is when you don't have enough oil to throw it.
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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2008, 06:30:15 PM »
I do own both balls, different layouts (Cell is pin up, Resurgence pin down, more specific in my profile), the Cell is earlier and strong, my Resurgence though is too very strong, quicker reaction off the spot.

I do think that my Resurgence has lost some reaction but will be baking and resurfacing it very soon so i'll probably eat that above statement, but as of right now I think the cell would be a tad smoother and stronger overall.

Both balls have a ridiculously fast oil absorption rate though, the cell will just absorb the oil in front of your eyes of the ball by time you throw your spare shot and come back to look, the resurgence isn't that bad, but it also soaks it up quick.
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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 03:12:36 AM »
Thank you, I was thinking of the Cell, but I have never thrown a Rotogrip ball before so I didn`t know what to expect.

Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Resurgence, Cell, or Fury
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2008, 08:24:12 AM »
I say Resurgance.. has less tendency to roll out vrs the Cell.
Cell, IMO, is too low of a grit out of box.
Chris Moyer
Ball driller for Bean's Pro Shop
Specializing in Lane #1 Bowling Balls
"Home of the Secret Sauce"

Saginaw Valley State University Bowling Team '08-'09

Chris the Cell is 2000 OOB, the Resurgance is 1000. Just letting you and everyone know.

Now keep in mind that the cell is asymetrical. This means that your ball driller will need to know your game alot more to lay it out so it works for you. If you dont have a driller who isnt up to date with Asymetrical equipment I would say get the Resurgance. Also both of these balls will need you to keep the covers maintained. That is the biggest thing with todays equipment. Oil absorption helps get oil off the lane and creat friction better and is needed for a ball to react sooner, faster and harder off the break. However the overload of oil in the ball will kill hook because as the oil is still absorbed and the ball makes its contact with the lane it is meeting a saturated cover so the ball will push and give you no reaction.

With that said, both balls are great balls for what they do. However I will have to say. If you are looking for something to work in oil and you are looking at roto grip why not the epic quest. The cover is particle on that ball. Particle will give you a little more bite in oil. I love reactive stuff but I am a true beliver that your oil ball needs to be something Particle.

Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

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Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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