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Author Topic: What does this dream mean...  (Read 633 times)


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What does this dream mean...
« on: April 09, 2008, 12:04:19 PM »
In my dream there are three class of bowlers.  We have the normal/regular/sanctioned bowlers with normal size and weight bowling balls.  Then another part of the alley there are the middle bowlers who have bowling balls that are bigger by a few inches in circumference and up to 18lbs. Then there are the older people and those we refer to as house hacks.  Their bowling balls are quite bigger and can weight up to 20lbs.

I think this means I am spending way too much time on and need to do more work. lol



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Re: What does this dream mean...
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 08:25:28 PM »
To dream that you are bowling, refers to the strikes, hits, and misses in your life. Perhaps you are expressing some regrets if you are bowling a bad game. And if you are bowling strike after strike, then it suggests that you are on your way toward a successful future. It may also be a pun on your striking performance and/or stellar ability.

To dream that you bowl a gutter ball, suggests that you are stuck in a rut and need to make some changes of where your life is headed.

Alternatively, bowling and bowling alleys may also be a metaphor for sexual conquest. Consider all the sexual innuendos that are at play in the bowling alley. The pin deck is symbolic of the womb or vag (as is with with any dark receptacle like caves, bowls, containers, etc.) The pins and bowling balls, can be viewed as masculine symbols.

This is from

Edited on 4/9/2008 8:26 PM