Hi all,
I took a leisurely return trip by way of my in-laws' place in Indiana, stopping to have lunch with my daughter at Purdue yesterday on the way home. I was tempted to get online at my sister-in-law's place, but I resisted the temptation, and this is my first chance to catch up on this thread. The good news is that I'm not tired at all, since I took two days to make the six hour drive.
Arriving at about 2:00 Saturday, I was the last of the BallReviews group to show up, so I didn't get a chance to catch up with many of them until later. Bowling with SrKegler, TP, Card79 and Nicanor was a blast. In game two of team, we stuck SrKegler in the first frame. That ticked him off, so in self-defense, he started a string of strikes. That got TP going and then I started. TP ended up needing a spare in the tenth to take the squad prize for high game, but after throwing so many strikes, she must have forgotten how to spare.

I needed a double, but I was not up to the task.

I swear I saw more Chicago bowlers in Cincinnati than I do in some weekends in Chicago. One of them had an opening in singles Saturday evening and I filled in, forcing me to miss dinner with Sr and Mrs. Kegler, Card and Mrs. 79, TP, and Nicanor. I would have been better off going to dinner, if you catch my drift. They were nice enough to bring me a doggie bag, though - thanks, guys and gals.
Sunday, we did doubles and singles. If Nic and I could have gotten a do-over for game two, we probably could have finished in the money - d'oh!
After we finished bowling, Nic and I grabbed a beer and watched Axewelder, Srikinmachine and Tony, another Chicago bowler, bowl for a while. As the others were getting ready to leave, the sky opened up. At that point, they decided to hang around to wait for the storm to pass. Eventually, they managed to get away, leaving just myself and Nic to watch the other bowlers. Nic and I finally took off when those guys were just finishing singles. It's good to see that everyone made it back OK.
It was great seeing Sr and Mrs. Kegler and TP again. It was also great to meet Card79 and his wife. I also enjoyed the opportunity to finally meet Nicanor and bowl non-virtual doubles with him. I had some really nice conversations with Card79 and Nic about "bowling geek" stuff. They may think twice before getting me started again. Once I get started, it can be difficult to shut me up.

Our squad organizer has already threatened to bring us back next year. I hope we can all make it, and if we do - look out Hoinke!