I expected to see something from Card 79, Nicanor, or Rick Wunder. Since they have not posted yet, I'll begin. What an experience! 10 games across 20 lanes.
We had a great team Sr Kegler, Card 79, Nicanor, Rick Wunder, and myself, the token female and lefty. I must say it was great being a lefty at this tournament. There was a great shot down 10 and in. There was also a very real out-of-bounds. Hit outside of 10 and watch the ball roll straight as an arrow.
Sr Kegler learned his lesson in NC and refrained from those whiney lefty comments...thanks. Strikingmachine was almost going to be renamed strikelessmachine or sparemachine, but he finally found the strikes.
What a great weekend and well worth the cost of airfare and hotel! Great people, both from the West Virginia group and BallReviews.
Sr Kegler and Mrs Kegler, thank you for the ride from Indy to Cinci. What a great couple.
I'll let the others fill you in on additional info. Sorry if this makes no sense, but I'm really, really tired.
To err is human to be thonged is divine