I see so many people on this board wondering how to increase their rev rate. I can tell you right now that if you are bowling well with lower revs consider it a gift. I bowled a double tourney last weekend, the shot was a low volume christmas tree to 34 to 36 feet. I dried out quickly, I mean in 3 or 4 games. We bowled 9 so you can figure how dry the lanes were at that point. I was firing the ball hard and straight and my partner was hitting 27 at the arrows. I scored okay, 209 for the tourney but everyone on top was low revs with a shiny ball.
I would love to be able to cut down my revs that much. I can't seem to do it consistently. I just throw the ball harder and faster as the lanes get drier. I would consider it a blessing on most conditions to have a lower rev rate. I know having a lower rev rate has its drawbacks but on dry lanes, which is most tourneys, I would love to do it.
I know something else I need to work on now. I learned to increase my revs a couple of years back but know wish I had just stayed a stroker.