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Author Topic: Rev vs. Roll  (Read 2025 times)


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Rev vs. Roll
« on: April 11, 2004, 08:10:24 AM »
I either read somewhere or was told by the pro shop the following regarding span:

1)  longer span forces you to roll

2)  shorter span allows you to rev easier

I have had spans of 4, 4 1/16 & 4 1/8.  As far as comfort, there is only a minor difference.

I am a slow speed, low rev bowler.  So which is better for me?  More roll or more rev?  How would each affect my overall ball reaction?

Can anyone explain this to me?




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Re: Rev vs. Roll
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2004, 09:11:27 AM »
Hi LadyW,

The longer/shorter span differences you mentioned do react in that manner as stated by your proshop.  However, in my opinion and experience, the span difference would have to be greater then 1/8.  That number normally would not produce a significant difference for most people, assuming the 4 inch is at a relaxed grip for you.  In your particular case, the roll is probably going to be more useful and effective because shortening the span will not automatically produce revolutions, you would still have to be able to flip your wrist thru the ball harder and faster then normal to create more revs.  The shorter span (relaxed grip) simply allows a person to rotate their hand faster around a ball vs a longer to stretched span.

Due to your slower ball speed, it's more important for you to find equipment that will help you get down the lane easier or more naturally without added muscle effort.  A higher rg ball tends to promote this type of reaction.  

Most important of all things these days is to match your game, ball, and lane condition up to your advantage.  Try not to force something to happen as we have all seen that fighting a lane condition becomes more difficult and we tend to score lower then when we play(or feed) the lane and take what's given to us.
Hope this helps....
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff
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Re: Rev vs. Roll
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2004, 10:13:51 AM »
Lady W - Listen to what Rick said.........

Try not to force something to happen as we have all seen that fighting a lane condition becomes more difficult and we tend to score lower then when we play(or feed) the lane and take what's given to us.

Rick - What's wrong with forcing the shot? I do it all the time and I only average 40 pins less than you.
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Re: Rev vs. Roll
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2004, 01:59:08 AM »
Sorry I didn't acknowledge your reply sooner but I somehow lost site of this thread.

I've been told that my main problem is improper equipment match-up.  My equipment always seems to hook too much and break too early.  I always feel like I'm taking the "scenic route" to the pocket and that I never have enough length or backend.

 Right now I'm throwing a Blade Solid that I have to keep highly polished just to keep it under control.  I'm going to try and redrill it as others have suggested to get it further down the lane.

Thanks for the input.


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Re: Rev vs. Roll
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2004, 12:02:29 PM »
LadyW --

 "I've been told that my main problem is improper equipment match-up. My equipment always seems to hook too much and break too early. I always feel like I'm taking the "scenic route" to the pocket and that I never have enough length or backend."

Try urethane or a weaker resin ball (Dynothane Barrage?).  --  JohnP


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Re: Rev vs. Roll
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2004, 01:40:47 PM »
I didn't intentionally try different spans.  I tried a new pro shop and found out that my last two balls were drilled 4 1/16 and 4 respectively.  He measured me and watched me bowl.  Said I needed 4 1/8 so I went with it.  I actually felt that the 4 was a little too short and this new 4 1/8 is a little too long.  I don't seem to roll the ball as well.  With the 4 1/16 the ball seemed to come off my hand and roll the best.

 I plan on redrilling my ball to change the layout and was just wondering what effect span had, if any?