General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Buckwild on June 17, 2004, 09:09:41 AM
Right now, after selling some balls, I have:
Diesel Particle (undrilled)
Depth Charge (undrilled)
Monster Smashr drilled stacked leverage (dull)
Faball SledgeHammer pin above ring finger cg stacked(polished)
Original Inferno pin on ring finger cg stacked
Monster Red/Black pin above ring, cg in palm
Monster Slayr pin above and betwwen fingers, cg slightly kicked out.
I'm thinking about replacing the Smashr with an Animal Untamed. If I do this, how would I set up this arsenal? Also, does the Inferno and Depth charge overlap?
When the bowler that I am meets up with the bowler I ought to be; I'll be one bad Motherf%&$r!
Edited on 6/18/2004 12:59 PM
When the bowler that I am meets up with the bowler I ought to be; I'll be one bad Motherf%&$r!
ttt (please help)!

When the bowler that I am meets up with the bowler I ought to be; I'll be one bad Motherf%&$r!
Buckwild, here is what I see:
Most aggressive to least:
Diesel Particle-strong drill pattern, pick your favorite
Depth Charge-Particle Pearl-maybe a 4 1/2 by 3 1/2(my favorite)
Smash/r-keep it dull
Sledgehammer-keep it polished
Inferno-keep polished
Unless your Smash/r is worn out then I wouldn't see a need of replacing it. The Animal Untamed looks closer to your sledgehammer than to your smash/r anyway.
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