I went from O to 3/8 forward on my ring finger, at the suggestion of my driller(0 thumb). In addition I also use vise power lifts. Overall, we have been setting up my balls with a relaxed span, 43/8.
I plugged a power machine, and redrilled it after remeasuring with a jayhawk ball fitter, 49/16 span, with 1/4 reverse in the thumb and 1/2 reverse in the fingers. Ball fills good/comfortable, although the span is maxxed out for me and I have been thinking that I have been doing pretty good with a relaxed span. I will have to see how it works out on the lane.
I remember someone posting that 0 to forward on the thumb is better and promotes a more relaxed grip. I could not get out of the ball with reverse on my fingers and 0 on my thumb, so we had to adjust to reverse on the thumb.
I immediately noticed that the reverse on the fingers shifts the wait of the ball more to the pads of my fingers. I do not know that this will help with revs but we will see. I generally do not grab at the bottom of my swing anyway, so I do not know that the change will matter.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.
Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.