I know alot of bowlers complain about the differnent patterns put out on the lanes nowadays, but would it really be better to bowl on the same pattern every time you bowled?
Recently, I have had the pleasure to bowl on 1st: no oil. 2nd:etremely heavy oil. 3rd: Patched oil (actually placed ply wood on the lane while oiling in order to create significant patches) and finally a regular league shot.
while I saw many bowlers whipping out plastic balls, I simply pulled out my old spirit I and broke my wrist to roll end over end... and I had matched and beat all but a few scores. then, the alley decided to place a sheet of oil down and every one switched to their new high load particle balls... I merely slowed down and increased my side roll, I had great results!
But what im trying to say is why are bowlers today to conditioned and limited to using highly specific balls for each pattern possible? I can understand that a select few will not be able to adjust themselves *hold in a snicker* before their balls *holds in yet another snicker*, but is it really that hard to make minor adjustments for different conditions?
I had an oppertunity to bowl with my raging inferno, before it died on me, to bowl in several tournaments, including survivor and CTF, during which I witnessed almost all the bowlers pull out a plastic, drilled pin on PAP throwing spares when some of the more versitile bowlers managed to throw their heavy oil balls straight as an arrow by making minor adjustments.
I believe that these are conditioned responses noted by all spares must be handled with plastic and all heavy oil must be handled by particle balls, and that by bowling on all possible conditions, and impossible conditions, that all bowlers will benifit by simply adjusting with one ball for it all.
I like it wet...