Wow! Have you opened up a can of worms!!!
I can see by the terms you use, you also have read too many of the "professional" ball reviews and are using the terms they use, without having the definitions on hand, mentally. This confuses everyone and leaves interpretation WIDE open for mistakes.
There are so many Physics factors involved in this discussion, that I know about, but cann't decribes their details. The point, I believe, of "revving up" ball, whether it be by the bowler putting "revs" on the ball at his release point or the low RG of a ball helping a bowler with less "revs" to get the ball into a roll sooner IS to get the ball into a roll soon enough to counter the amount of oil on the lane, so that when the ball gets to the pocket, it is in the roll cycle of the "skid, hook, roll" cycle.
Some of those factors are
- the bowler's amount of revs at release,
- the bowler's axis tilt,
- the bowler's axis of rotation,
- the bowler's ball speed,
- the RG of the ball,
- the surface of the ball, icluding both the polish level and type of surface,
- the flare of the drilled ball,
- the oil pattern,
- the oil amount,
- the arc of the ball throught the oil pattern, and the bowler's chosen breakpoint.
I am sure there are others.
I believe that when we picture a ball "revving up" what we see in our mind's eye is the revolutions of the ball beginning to slow as it enters the hook cycle. This is because we see, even if we do not label it as such, the ball beginning to slow down in both revolutions and in its path towards the pocket. This slow-down is the indication that it is starting to grab the lane.
When this process seems earlier in one ball than a second ball, we saw the first ball "revs up" sooner than the second. BUT there are so many factors involved, we cannot truly AND accurately say one factor (the RG value) has more to do with the "revving up" than any other factor.
So, I believ, the only evidence of our eyes of a ball's revving up, unless your eyes can count the change in revolutions and ball speed, is how soon it goes into the hook and then the roll cycle, on a particular lane, when thrown by a particular bowler.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."