I never liked the original Blue Hammer, even back when it came out because it was always so early for me. To be honest on today's oil, I think the original still needs some firm ball speed, like the AMF Hype Urethane (which for me was very old school and very like the OG Blue Hammer- almost impossible to get a true shine on it due to hardness and very early hooking.).
I have no comparable problem getting any length on the AU. It is much closer to a resin ball in ease of length. SO if you have a high ball speed in comparison to your rev rate, you may need a rougher surface than the polished one that is stock on the AU. You'll see an old fashioned curve type of ball reaction on a BH or Hype, whereas on the AU, you'll see a more defined breakpoint but still an arc, never, ever a hockey stick shape.
That's my best comparison. Remember the new Blue Hammer is a very different animal from the old original Blue Hammer (and made by a completely different company).
"None are so blind as those who will not see."