Started practicing yesterday trying to incorporate what everybody said. First I threw two games with a 10 lb. house ball using my fingertips only to try to get a feel for staying behind and under the ball. Then threw another game using my 14 lb. Neptune again throwing without my thumb in the ball. After that I started throwing my 15 lb. Twisted Fury and started shooting video. Here's the result.'m staying behind the ball longer, though I'm still coming around too early and too much. I also have to work on getting my wrist bent under the ball a lot more and getting my thumb out earlier. I focused on keeping my elbow in and the crease facing forward and not much else so basic form suffered a bit.
I think I progressively improved. Toward the end of the video I threw a couple of shots with my Wild Ride. Started getting tired so I finished up with the 14 lb. Neptune.
I still have a long way to go, but everybody's tips and advice has definitely got me started in the right direction. Of course a big thanks to Scolai and the rest for the tips...feel free to offer more criticism.
Edited on 5/23/2009 10:58 AM