I disagree that all RICO's look the same. There are a few modifications know, and also more than one way to drill it. As already mentioned, one way is 45 degrees from the grip center, the other way, already asked about, is 45 degrees CG to PAP. Using the 2nd way of doing it, everyone's RICO will be slightly different, due to all different PAP's. The more common modification of the layout is for high trackers, where to avoid tracking over finger holes you move the Pin position up the same amount as your vertical Axis Point measurement. Another modification is to create more or less length, where you move the pin horizontally either towards or away from your PAP depending on desired reaction.
As for using Plugged balls, just be sure the plugged area won't land in your track area. Although not a huge deal I guess. And the dynamics of the ball shouldn't change too much with a previous drill, depending on the layout, and how much (if any) of the core was drilled into.
Mega Friction 246
Virtual Gravity 272
Twisted Fury 268
The Sauce 255
Rogue Cell