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Author Topic: Ridiculous PAP  (Read 5870 times)


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Ridiculous PAP
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:39:07 AM »
Hey all, a little while ago, I decided to find my PAP with my spare ball, and when I finally got the piece of tape to be perfectly still, I left it there, and measured it when I got home.  My PAP came out to be something like 6 3/4 right, and 1 1/5 up.  This is significantly farther than any that I've heard of.  Is this a bad thing? If I were to adjust something to get it closer, what difference would that make on my reaction?



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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2009, 10:25:55 AM »
Mike if your pap is over 6 inches, you can not come off the side of the ball that much. Usually, pap in that range stay under and come thru the ball and not off the side. Side of the ball releases have a much lower track.

Don't tell Pete Weber that, "Mr. Weber's PAP is 6 inches over., ", link below.  And yes, I do know you said "over 6 inches".


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2009, 08:24:59 AM »
I now a guy (two handed) whos track is 6 1.4 x 2" up. Laying out a 5x3 puts the pin/mb line at 90 degrees to his centerline. That being the case how do you take 2 oz of side weight out of the ball? And He might actually track into the hole at that location.

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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2009, 09:32:12 AM »
I'm curious as to why your trying to find your PAP with using your spare ball?

From my experience my spare ball(plastic) tracks higher and closer to my grip than a resin ball.
I'm assuming its due to the flare tendencies of resin.

Try finding your PAP on a resin ball this might be more beneficial.
2nd arrow is for pansies.
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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2009, 09:33:52 AM »
A 1" hole 3" deep should take out about 2 oz weight.  See the Jayhawk weight removal chart, link below.  To make it remove mostly side weight you're going to have to locate the hole on the midline, 6 3/4" from the grip center.  And yes, he will probably track over the hole.  --  JohnP


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2009, 09:38:36 AM »
bass -- The location of the initial track ring is a function of the release, not the type of ball.  Using a non-flaring ball you can find that initial ring.  With a flaring ball in many cases the ball rotates at least one revolution before it ever hits the lane, so what you see is a flared track, not the initial track ring.  --  JohnP


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2009, 02:28:04 PM »
is it possible to take pictures of the track lines? this could help out show where you are tracking for us to help you out?


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2009, 12:23:18 AM »
I went bowling today, and my track was as described above, the first ring go from the middle of my thumb and gets about half an inch away from my middle finger, so I'm not going between the finger and thumb holes, but I'm not outside both holes.


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2009, 03:40:34 PM »
I went bowling yesterday and put a piece of tape on my ball and got it to stay put starting to go down the lane, and I roughly measured it and it was something like 5 1/2 right, and 1 1/4 up, so it's a little better, but still seems kind of unusual.


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2009, 03:52:25 PM »
5.5 x 1.25 up is rather normal.  It is a little high but not bad at all.  When you use your plastic ball, do you use the same release?  It is possible that even with the same release that your PAP can vary from ball to ball based on strength of the core and the layout used not a huge variation, but within an inch of each other.
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator
Striking Results Pro Shop
Red Carpet Lanes
Duluth (NE Atlanta), Georgia

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager


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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #25 on: November 30, 2009, 09:00:35 PM »
5.5 x 1.25 up is rather normal.  It is a little high but not bad at all.  When you use your plastic ball, do you use the same release?  It is possible that even with the same release that your PAP can vary from ball to ball based on strength of the core and the layout used not a huge variation, but within an inch of each other.
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator
Striking Results Pro Shop
Red Carpet Lanes
Duluth (NE Atlanta), Georgia

If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!

Yea, I throw my plastic ball the same (or at least try to) but that PAP measurement was a few months ago, so I could have done something to change it, but it seems more normal now.

Twisted Minis

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Re: Ridiculous PAP
« Reply #26 on: November 30, 2009, 09:18:30 PM »
I haven't actually measured my PAP, but my ball tracks in the same place a few of you have described. I was bowling with my wrist heavily cupped, with my fingers towards me, and uncupping quickly and lifting at release. I got a lot of revs doing this, but it was tracking over my thumb, and very close to my fingers. My driller suggested I stay behind the ball more with the ball pushed away from me until just before release, where I come up the side and and finish suitcase style. This got my track about an inch away from the middle finger and about 1/2" away from the thumb hole. But it's still a pretty high track. I have 3 balls, all drilled pretty differently, and they all track in the same area. Is this acceptable or should I work to change something else? My revs went down a bit changing to this, but I have only been doing it about a week now, so I think they will come back up when I get more fluid with it. I'm trying to see a coach soon to help with my release and form.