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Author Topic: ring finger  (Read 621 times)


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ring finger
« on: November 10, 2004, 10:25:01 AM »
I've heard of people drilling the span of the ring finger slighty longer than normal. Whats the purpose of this?



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Re: ring finger
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 08:33:41 PM »
The ring finger is normally drilled abit longer than the index finger because the measurement from the base of the thumb to the ring finger is longer than it is from the index finger.  If you are using a relaxed finger tip grip, depending on how relaxed, you can get more of the ball to lay in your hand by lengthening the ring finger grip.  To equalize the pressure between the fingers you will find your  hand angled some to the left.  I will try to illustrate.                                                                                
        \   \                                                        
Hope this helps.                                                            

Edited on 11/15/2004 9:36 PM

Edited on 11/15/2004 9:38 PM