General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Daytonstroker on June 10, 2004, 02:25:18 AM
Anyone have any ideas on why my middle knuckle on my ring finger is sore for a few days after league???? Never ran across this before!!!!
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"
I'd guess you stretched a tendon way out of "joint", so to speak. STretched and stressed it too much. (Th espan of thumb to ring finger is probably too long!!)
The joint is the localized site of the pain for many tendon problems. If it is tendonitis, then rest is the cure. Advil/ibuprofen will help reduce the swelling which causes the pain, but rest is THE cure.
If you choose to take advil/motrin/ibuprofen, take plenty of liquid (12-20 oz of water or non-alcoholic beverage) with each dosage. That medication is much like aspirin and your stomach lining needs to be protected or you'll get an ulcer.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
channelsurfer -- Have you changed equipment recently? Incorrect span or pitch could cause this. -- JohnP
I have had pain in my ring finger for a few months now in the top knuckle but my span looks fine to me but it doesn't bother me enough to get to the bottom of it.
I have had pain in my ring finger for a few months now in the top knuckle but my span looks fine to me but it doesn't bother me enough to get to the bottom of it.
Bowling shouldn't HURT. I think you should have your span double-checked anyway.
/Mom mode off
White Dot 
Raising kids is like trying to nail Jell-o to a tree.
I had this problem a few years back and it was tendonitis.
Had a couple of shots of cortizone and then had my grip looked at by my driller.
What he did was shorten the span and because of flexibility problems we put an 1" reverse pitch in the ring finger.
Bottom line NO MORE PAIN!!
As i bowl alot of tournaments and leagues the number of games is no problem any more.
To back up what i am saying I had 2 300's and 2 800's this year with NO PAIN.
Check out my crazy grip in my profile if want.
Glen Hershberger
There are no bad balls, Just bad bowlers.
E-Mail (Local monthly tournaments) (The Best Balls out there)
ABC Stats--
thank you all!!! I'll have my span checked since I just got a new ball 3 weeks ago. I do tucked my pinky so that was a good call!!!
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"
Tucking your pinky is fine; just make sure your span calls for it. The ring finger span should be shorter than measured IF you decide to tuck your pinky.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."