My advice is to throw any pre-conceived ideas of which line you'll find to the pocket, and realize that no matter what you've got to find SOME friction or the ball simply cannot change direction.
In practice try your favorite line first, then start moving inside 2 & 1, or even parallel, until you find a spot down lane with friction. (Sometimes the move may be outside, so I prefer to start outside first to eliminate the "which direction do I try?")
The more forward roll idea is also very important, as too much side rotation is the over/under nightmare when you're just trying to get the ball to read the pattern, without over reading what's there, or not reading anything.
With all the different lane surfaces, lane conditioners, and patterns it's going to be trial and error until you find a spot with a little forgiveness so you can pry it off your hand. Some cover surface is going to help blend out whatever oil pattern front to back as well as side to side.
There is no easy answer, only ideas that we've tried that have worked for us in our situations. We have all been there with the same lost feeling.
Never let the fear of guessing wrong overcome your thoughts. The way I see it, most of us could literally throw any line to the pocket, and should we miss, still make most spares, so be fearless in trying something different. Good luck moving forward.