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Author Topic: Ok - I'm trying to decide on an oil ball... I need your help.  (Read 1380 times)


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I apologize - I'm not intending this to be a "which ball hooks more" post - I have some specific needs, and need your expertise to help me out.

I'm getting ready to embark on a bowling pilgrimage. I'm going to WIBC, WIBC Queens (sport shot), and ABC (infamous shot).
I hit a reality wall this weekend bowling on a condition that was oil 1-1 for 40 feet - NOT a flat shot, but a REALLY, REALLY oily condition.
I have tried to keep my arsenal fairly tame, and not acquire a bunch of new stuff - especially high end - but I would now like to purchase the true hook monster - hook-in-a-box - hook on glass ball.
I've just started to look, but rather than confuse myself, I thought I'd ask you experts the following:

If I were to buy a really strong reactive ball for long, heavy oil, that will stand up to both carrydown and a sport shot, what should I buy?

I can get almost anything reasonably strong to the pocket - but of course, carry is the issue. I am capable of adjusting to lane conditions, and don't mind pointing the ball, swinging between 4th and 5th arrow, or anything inbetween. I'm pretty good at adjusting speed, and then keeping it consistent. I just need a ball that knows when to stand up and be counted. Oh - and manufacturer is not an issue - I'll use anything...

Thanks for your help!!!
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Re: Ok - I'm trying to decide on an oil ball... I need your help.
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2004, 12:17:26 PM »
After even more use tonight, I have to say that the Ultimate Inferno would only be an oil ball for someone with very slow ball speed (the 13-14mph range). It is very sensative to oil, even with the 800 grit factory finish.

Excaliber got this right. The Ultimate is a good ball, but not for soup. My doubles partner just got one to compliment his Super Carbide Bomb for heavier oil (i.e. the attempt to get more backend), but that's not what the Ultimate is really good for. It's much better for heavier mediums.

So consider the Super Carbide Bomb. It really does give a look on heavy oil that's different from just about everything else. It's center heavy, has a very low RG, and rolls like a boulder. It doesn't cover a lot of boards (nothing does in heavy), but it will get into an early heavy roll hits unusually hard.
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Re: Ok - I'm trying to decide on an oil ball... I need your help.
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2004, 12:22:51 PM »
The previous suggestion regarding an Apex Obsession is a good one. Very low RG, early rolling, dull surface and cheap. I got one off ebay for $63.00 plus shipping. Good Luck!!  
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