J_w73 wrote on 6/29/2011 1:50 AM:It's run by Diana and Lonnie Cavins. They have been in there since Nov 2010. I think before this Lonnie was drilling out of his house as a hobby for himself and for friends.I bowled on a team with Diana last summer and have bowled in the same leagues with her for years. They are both great people. I'm pretty sure they had a lot to do with getting Ron Clifton into this center. http://woodhavenproshop.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 10-13 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+HighGame 300 x 5, High Series 808Book Average 220,PBA Xperience 193