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Author Topic: New Youth Award Requirements  (Read 1319 times)


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New Youth Award Requirements
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:22:50 AM »
Since USBC is no longer providing a league operations manual and therefore the current award forms, we are making hundreds of copies right now for our winter secretaries.  

One thing I noticed on the new Youth Award aps is that "individuals must average below the achievement to get the award".  So if you average 99, and bowl a 100 game, you get the 100 game emblem.  

Do you think that this helps our youth develope a sense of achievement?




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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 01:42:31 PM »
the 100 game was an example.  They have 150 emblems too and apparently you get one if you average 149 and bowl a 150+ game.  

So it is exponentionally easier to get awards for youth, and its harder to get awards if you are an adult.  But we, adults, are contributing to it with our dues.  Since adults have had more awards taken from them, and given to the youth.  I'm not happy that my dues dollars are going to give youth awards for bowling 1 pin over their averages.  I support the youth sure, but this is not teaching them any sense of acomplishment IMO.  



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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2009, 02:47:48 PM »
There SHOULD be more awards for kids and less for adults.

I don't have a problem with this.  

But the youth awards are no longer earned, IMO.  There is no age division and no average requirement other then the average has to be lower then the achievement.  It does say there are special awards for kids 12 and under but doesn't mention what they are.  So even if you are a 18 year old male averaging 197, and you bowl 200 you get a 200 game emblem.  



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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2009, 02:50:17 PM »
Kids don't know the difference between accomplishment and self esteem.  That's setting the bar awfully low.  What this is doing is allowing kids to remain kids and patronize the living hell out of them.  Why not treat them like adults and offer them a fair reward for a fair challenge?  Some kids will never get good enough at something to get awards.  They need to deal with it and get over it.  So what if they don't get a patch for something?  It's a patch that they'll love for about five minutes, then lose it somewhere, because it means nothing.  Sooner or later they're going to figure out that everybody gets the same thing, so that's not going to make it worth anything.  It's just like adults and honor scores now.  Sure it feels great shooting your first 300, but then as soon as you see how the "good" bowlers view honor scores on a house shot anymore, it doesn't feel so great, and I almost feel bitter about mine now.  So just tell the kids to go show up for 3 games every Saturday, whine the whole way through it, and get something they don't care about.  So all the kids that actually want to bowl and actually work for it, let's see if we can burn them out on it, because everybody gets something whether they try or not.  Why not just start putting bumpers up for everybody too so we can make sure everybody has a chance to get these awards?  Kids need to be taught to grow up, not stay immature, whiny, and selfish, because they'll stay that way as they get older.  I'd better shut up before I get too far off topic . .

Adults don't need these awards.  The awards are for the kids to build self esteem and a scene of accomplishment. The awards are for the well being and development of children through a bowling program.

Smaller children do not understand that their accomplishment is lessened because it's easier to get an award now.  They only understand that they did something good or bowled a good game.  

Are adult bowlers that much of a pansy whiny bunch that they need trinket awards so their ego can be stroked.  

There SHOULD be more awards for kids and less for adults.

Edited on 8/5/2009 2:19 PM

Edited on 8/5/2009 2:20 PM

This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.


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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 02:52:40 PM »
All I'm saying is give the kids something real to shoot for.  If they want it, they need to work to get it, not have everybody else find some way for them to fall into it.  That's the way life works.  I'd rather encourage kids to excel than to just do enough to get by.
This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.


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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2009, 09:11:17 PM »
Why not just start putting bumpers up for everybody

Bumpers are now legal for Pee Wee sanctioned play.


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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2009, 09:32:26 PM »
I was more bummed out when i was 16 bowling 300 and saying i cant get a ring because its over 50 dollars and considered gambling.
Sandbagging since 1989
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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2009, 09:59:40 PM »
The young kids age 3-4 years up to 10 should have their awards setup as they currently are. If they bowl well they get the award and it makes them happy, sometimes so happy they come back the next week for youth leauge and bowl even better. We gotta keep the attention span of the little ones focused on good things otherwise we could lose these kids. Lose the kids and we could lose our youth leauge.

The preps should have their awards adjusted so it's harder for them to get that award. For example, if a bowler averages 100 the would need to shoot 125+ to get their award for their game awards and should be 75 pins over their average for series. This would be when kids should learn about improving their game.

I agree the juniors and junior majors should be based on the adult awards since they are most likely going to be going to an adult leauge after they are done with youth bowling. Some will go on to college bowling teams or even better.

I don't like the awards setup but that's the USBC for ya. I don't mind that adult's don't get many awards or that some of my dues are going to them either. After all, the children bowling are the future of this game and without them there wouldn't be bowling like there is now.
Mike Zadler
"When in doubt, Pull out" - Rob Stone
Below, my stats from previous seasons:

Edited on 8/5/2009 10:00 PM
Mike Zadler


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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2009, 10:54:38 PM »
This is an example of what has been going on in our schools, especially lately
in physical education. There are concentrated efforts to eliminate competition and score keeping in all capacities--even playing tag without touching any
people (you just step on their shadow).  These people don't understand that it
also elimates any sense of accomplishment, thereby self esteem and the desire
to work to improve.  All of these reward systems are being diluted or eliminated because the people who don't accomplish anything won't feel bad.  As
a retired physical education teacher, you can tell that I am greatly opposed
to these new ideas.


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Re: New Youth Award Requirements
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2009, 07:55:50 AM »
Lol, I knew the little kids could use them, but I was talking about for everybody.  I'm getting kinda burnt out on bowling because the awards and the "accomplishments" mean nothing.  I don't know how many times I've said "If that guy ever shoots an honor score, I'm quitting."  Then they shoot one.  Then the next guy does, and the guy after that.  I don't have the money or time to take it to a more serious level, so I guess it's either deal with it or quit?  And people are soooo incredibly incompetent to actually believe what they did was special.  When 40,000 people a year shoot 300 . . wow, sure makes me feel special to have one.  I've got cheap, dime a dozen rings just like everybody else.  Grr.  This is one topic that pisses the living hell out of me.
This is Fluffy.  He is the Destroyer of Worlds.