Lol, I knew the little kids could use them, but I was talking about for everybody. I'm getting kinda burnt out on bowling because the awards and the "accomplishments" mean nothing. I don't know how many times I've said "If that guy ever shoots an honor score, I'm quitting." Then they shoot one. Then the next guy does, and the guy after that. I don't have the money or time to take it to a more serious level, so I guess it's either deal with it or quit? And people are soooo incredibly incompetent to actually believe what they did was special. When 40,000 people a year shoot 300 . . wow, sure makes me feel special to have one. I've got cheap, dime a dozen rings just like everybody else. Grr. This is one topic that pisses the living hell out of me.
This is Fluffy. He is the Destroyer of Worlds.